"Are they BOTH twins?" - Are you an idiot?
"Are they twins?" -No, we bought one to match the other. No, we are just trying to decide which one to keep.
"Is that one about a month older?" -Is that physically possible? (Yes, I know with twins it can happen, but this fella meant as if they were not twins.)
"Which one is meanest?" -Are you kidding me? They are 6 months old.
"A boy and a girl?" -Adur.
"Are the natural?" -Nope. We think one is part alien. (This is a response to people asking if we took fertility drugs.)
"Was it IVF?" -Nope. Just great sex : )
"Which one is your favorite?" -We don't like either of them. Adur.
"Are they triplets?" -Um Yeah, we keep the third one in the diaper bag.
"Wow. They look close in age." -Adur.
"Twins? But they don't look alike." -That's because they have different fathers. You should see the stumped look I get with this : )
And the mother of all comments: "Do they have poopy diapers at the same time?" -Umm do your kids crap at the same time? Here's your sign.
OMG those are so freaking funny!
rotfl... I'm only 23 weeks pregnant now and thought preggo comments were stoopid, but it looks like I have a whole new world of idiocy to face when the boys arrive!
Oh my god! I've got to remember these!! Thankfully for the most part people leave me alone but geez!! There are some winners out there.
people are so stupid!!
Just plain funny:0 You would think that people never thought before they spoke!
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