Friday, June 13, 2008

hello, home!

Soooooooo happy to be in my home.. not that I don't love a good vacation, but 12 days may have been a little much.. Especially when we drove a total of 45+ hours with two 6 month old infants.

Lots of random things to do today. The house is clean cause I could never go on vacation and leave a dirty house. So that is good. I need to upload and edit a ton of photos, then send them to be printed. Also have a bunch of random scrappiness to work on and plan. I have a few ideas a brewin'.

Need to unpack and regroup then grocery shop. The twins appointments were canceled today cause our doctor is sick so that will need rescheduled. Grrrr!

Also have a sad heart today as my most fave scrap club Cupcake Scrapshop is closing their doors. And I missed the June kit cause we were on the road when it went on sale.. Tear.

And I am not going to get any of these things done if I don't get off the blog. Holler at you later. M

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