Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dake Family Updates.

I thought I would take a blogging about vacation break and update you on household information. More blogging about vacation another day.

Monday Lincoln goes to the vet for the day to be cut and micro chipped.

Zachary is talking a lot. He will usually say what you ask him too, but he has some of his own words that I have yet to figure out. Can someone get me a toddler translator?

I read 2 novels while I was on vacation. It was so nice every evening to crawl into bed with a book, without disruptions. IE: Kids I am on Book 5 in a series of 8 so far. A 9th will be released in October. I have read 29 novels so far this year.

Tomorrow is the hubby's birthday.

Grandma Lee fell and broke her shoulder this week. I am wishing her a speedy recovery and lots of love.

I took 241 photos in Scotland and 207 in England. There were more, but I only kept the best. I have most of the Scotland set up on flickr. You can click there to see them all. I have a handful more that were shot in the wrong format in my camera and I can not access yet. I may have to call the geek squad. I will start working on posting an England set soon.

This weekend I am getting my nails done as part of the whole "Mandy Maintenance" thing I have going on. I used to have them done all the time, but as a Mom with babies, I was always worried about scratching them. I asked the hubby if I could get them done, and he said, "I could care less what you do with your nails." So I will add that to my to do list.

After I got home on Saturday, within hours, things were back to normal. We sent Jacques off to the movies for some alone time. I think he enjoyed that, but it may be likely that he slept during the movie.

I need to get back on track now that I am home. We didn't eat the best while we were gone, but we did end a lot of meals with chocolate cake and coffee. And the last few days, I have felt like I can't get enough food that actually tastes good! Becca and I made Jacques take us out for real meat, ranch and soda the minute we were out of the airport.

Zachary loves to wear mittens, he gets that from me. Plus I noticed that Ryan has much longer fingers than Zachary's short, chubby ones.

I set some goals for my return home: Get the baby's off the bottle and more Jason time. We got home on Saturday. Sunday morning, I put all the bottles in a bag and THREW THEM AWAY. And that was it. We were done. I was surprised at the success. They never really cared. Plus I have noticed a drastic change in the amount of milk we are going through. We were using a gallon a day, if not more. We were buying 8 gallons a week, maybe more.. it looks like we will only need 3-4 this week.

Goal number Two: More Jason time.. Check! This weekend Dad and Him are taking off for alone fun time.. Maybe the go cart park?? Bowling?? Then today I purchased tickets for this show in two weeks.. Watch the clip, Walking With Dinosaurs. It is only 30 seconds. We will debate who the lucky parent is that will get to take Jason. We can not take the babies. It is not for children under the age of four... HEY, I guess that puts Jacques out too!! Looks like I am that lucky parent! Wohoo!

More Later..


Mandi said...

I am so jealous! I always wanted to see that dinosaur show, it looks so cool! The coolest thing I get to do is Curious George Live...

Kimmie said...

Glad you had a good time on vacation. My sister took my nephew to walking with the Dinosaurs and she said it was very loud. Enjoy