Monday, September 28, 2009


We spent yesterday at the zoo and out in the yard. These photos are from yesterday. We have a busy week, as usual, with speech once, karate twice plus a belt test then soccer practice and a game on Saturday. We have a book fair at school and I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to see about having a mole removed off my back. On Saturday, we are heading down to Augusta for a quick day trip. More photos on flickr already.

Lincoln is at the vet today being cut and micro chipped. He weighed in at 49 pounds and the vet said he would gain at least another 50 pounds. She also asked us, "Are you sure you don't want to breed him? He is a beautiful dog." We said, "No, he's just our pup." We will pick him up tonight and he has to wear a cone thingy. He wasn't allowed to eat breakfast this morning, so I am sure hoping they feed him after surgery. They should, right?

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Glad you're getting your puppy dog neutered since you are not going to breed him... and they probably won't feed him... he could be nauseous from the anesthetic. He'll be ok... take it slow if you feed him tonight. Cleaning up a huge pile of doggie throwup after your toddlers play in it is probably not going to be very fun! :) (PS... used to work in a vet clinic for 6 years before becoming a mommy)