Monday, June 23, 2008

monday and away we go.

hello monday. thank you for a nice weekend, but it went by to fast. i will see you again. and the week begins. i was a little impatient today waiting for the coffee to brew. on cup deuce. above you see another symbol of love from the hubby. he got me this great cup from the bucks. (and technically i should be thanking you, aunt janie, as he used my gift card to get it) it is a hard plastic 16 ounce, double insulated cup w/ straw that does not come out or get lost in my sink full of dishes. and you get a .10 cent discount every time you reuse it at a bucks. nice. now i need to find a good iced coffee recipe for the house.

weekend recap: rain. rain. and more rain. not that i should be complaining. i have heard that our house in elk run heights, iowa is under water and the town has been evacuated. my prayers to our neighbors. we chilled at home for the most part and took a zoo day on saturday. it must have been mating day at the zoo. we had to rush the kids past several exhibits where the animals were "fighting," if you get my drift. it was quite a show. we also treated ourselves to sonic beverages afterwards. sunday came and went with more rain so we stayed around the house, but the kids did go out and play ball with the hubby.

today: with monday brings housework. i need to start dishes and laundry. i would like to vacuum and clean up the house. at the present moment, both babies are down for their morning nap, so i need to take advantage of that and get off the puter. i also need to get to the post office and hobby lobby. but the hubby took the van to work, so i will put off the post office till tomorrow. in fact, i will most likely send him. then i will hit hobby lobby when he gets home this evening. photo frames and albums are 50% off. go sale!
i am a homebody. i have been since (let's see how old are the twins?) oh right, almost 7 months. i am enjoying the summer. i am enjoying not having to make 4 trips/48 miles to and from jason's school five days a week. gas is high. staying home is cheap. it is nice to only have to get out every few days.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Hey Mandy, thanks for the rain you sent to

Have a wonderful Monday and i hear ya on the gas prices, i pulled Markie a week early because of it!

Chat later