Monday, October 15, 2007

30 week check up

Okay one more 4D to share.. it is hard to see, but there are both babies faces here.. you can make out the left one pretty good, and then you can see the Right ones nose.. it is almost like the Right baby is kissing the Left Baby's cheek, Can you see it now??

Today's check up at 30 weeks... HELLO, seven and a half months! Another milestone! The doctor told me I could give birth tomorrow and the babies would be okay.. Of course they would be tiny and need a month or more in the NICU, but they would be okay. BUT just so you know, I have to grocery shop tomorrow, so I will not be having these babies : )

The babies are now weighing in at 2.9 pounds and 3.5 pounds.. the doctor isn't concerned about the weight difference because they are so close in size. And my cervix is still closed. And now I will start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks for a while, then down to once a week.. I might as well just camp out there.. Next Check up is on the 29th, and that will put me up to 8 months!

And as for the Baby Countdown.. I am aiming for December 3rd ish because my mother gets here on the first.. So that puts us at exaclty 7 weeks or 49 days, but who knows when I will go. I better get some serious sleep in and shopping done!

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