Sunday, October 28, 2007

random things..

1. Today the hubby told me he wants to shadow box Jason's first pair of soccer cleats now that the season is over... hmmmmmmmmmm he is odd.

2. I got to throw away a pair of Jacques that were tore up years ago.. I told him yesterday to throw them away, I found them this morning in his closet so I threw them away myself : )

3. I say sarcastically, "Jason are those swings going to put themselves together?" And he replies, "Nope." (We are teasing Daddy about getting them together, hopefully soon!)

4. Jason can "read" Green Eggs and Ham all by himself, and is counting up to 50 by himself or higher with a little help.. He needs help with what is after like 59, 69, 79...

5. I am still in my pajamas at 5:48 pm.

6. I have 152 photo prints ready for pick up at the developers just done today.

7. Jason and Jacques say, "Back off. This is the Man's Club." I imagine this is only going to get worse when there are four of them..

8. I have got lots done today..

9. Check up tomorrow morning at 9:30 am.

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