Monday, June 30, 2008
a rough night.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
and i forgot.
Friday, June 27, 2008
the weigh in.
16 pounds 1 ounce
25.5 inches long
17.13 inches head circumference
16 pounds
26.75 inches long
16.93 inches head circumference
And round one goes to.... Zachary as the heavier twin.
And round two goes to.... Ryan as the longer twin.
And the vaccinations went well also. They each received 3 shots. Zachary forgot to cry one the first shot, but managed to scream for the second two. Ryan cried a little on all three, but was calmed down by the time the next shot was ready to be administered. Ryan drank a bottle and slept for almost 2 hours. Zachary only slept about an hour.
Two and a half hours later we are home and all is back to normal minus the 3 band-aids. And Mom Exhaustion has set in and my feet hurt. I should really wear better shoes.
go away, friday..
Thursday, June 26, 2008
way to go, thursday!
I had to get gas. It was on E where you are praying to make it to the station. Thanks, Hubby. There are 2 stations next to one another. One is $3.89 and the other is $3.99 (No Jeff, Neither were Shell Stations, Sorry!) I opt for the $3.99 price because I am familiar with their pumps. And because I only put $40 in, I only spent a $1.00 more. But as I start to pump, I am annoyed there is no catch to keep the pump on, so I had to hold it.....Fueling. Fueling. Done. So I get back in the van and a large black wasp has flown in the window.. I am freaking. How could I drive knowing there is a wasp that could sting my kids? Maybe they are allergic and could go into shock? Maybe I should drive straight to the hospital instead... OMG, It was starting to head to the back then I would never be able to get it out.. So I quick turn the van on and roll the other window down and it flies out. SAFE! My heart is still pounding like crazy.. Put vehicle in drive, start to pull forward, look back in mirror, see gas cap is off, wonder where my head is? Throw it back into park, jump out, screw cap on, jump back in and we are off..
Fast forward to the dentist office for Joryn's 6 month check up.. 100% perfect teeth. No cavity's. Way to go, Girlie!
Time for a sweet treat. Nice, right after the dentist.. shame, shame. Over to Dunkin' Donuts where 2 milks, 2 chocolate donuts (1 with sprinkles) and a flat bread turkey for me costs a whopping $9.54.. Ouch! Next time it will be .50 cent donuts from Walmart.
Then it is over to Fort Jackson to get a new ID card for Jordyn. I called the hubby to come help me so I could stay in the van with the sleeping babies and he can run in. Phone Rings: Hubby is 7th in line, but reassures me it will take 15 minutes (which is already 10 more than I wanted to wait) so I wait, and wait.. and wait.. and WAIT for 48 minutes! Yeah, by then the kids were wide awake (and had been for most of the time) and SCREAMING.. Did I leave the Excedrin at home? Damn.
So anyway we are home. Now we are chilling. The mail came, Thanks for the bottle lids, Kim. You rock. I also got FREE address return labels which always excites me. Onward, Thursday!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"are they BOTH twins?"

"Are they BOTH twins?" - Are you an idiot?
"Are they twins?" -No, we bought one to match the other. No, we are just trying to decide which one to keep.
"Is that one about a month older?" -Is that physically possible? (Yes, I know with twins it can happen, but this fella meant as if they were not twins.)
"Which one is meanest?" -Are you kidding me? They are 6 months old.
"A boy and a girl?" -Adur.
"Are the natural?" -Nope. We think one is part alien. (This is a response to people asking if we took fertility drugs.)
"Was it IVF?" -Nope. Just great sex : )
"Which one is your favorite?" -We don't like either of them. Adur.
"Are they triplets?" -Um Yeah, we keep the third one in the diaper bag.
"Wow. They look close in age." -Adur.
"Twins? But they don't look alike." -That's because they have different fathers. You should see the stumped look I get with this : )
And the mother of all comments: "Do they have poopy diapers at the same time?" -Umm do your kids crap at the same time? Here's your sign.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Kiss Baby?
monday and away we go.

weekend recap: rain. rain. and more rain. not that i should be complaining. i have heard that our house in elk run heights, iowa is under water and the town has been evacuated. my prayers to our neighbors. we chilled at home for the most part and took a zoo day on saturday. it must have been mating day at the zoo. we had to rush the kids past several exhibits where the animals were "fighting," if you get my drift. it was quite a show. we also treated ourselves to sonic beverages afterwards. sunday came and went with more rain so we stayed around the house, but the kids did go out and play ball with the hubby.
Friday, June 20, 2008
jump in.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
he loves me.

Bell: Book 1 and 2 are making their way via snail mail to your front door. I will be waiting to hear how much you love them and how grateful you are that I introduced you to this tale of forbidden love.
Also Note: Shawna you would eat up this saga as well. You can pick up copies at Walmart. A good book is great for any upcoming flights... HINT. HINT. WINK. WINK.
And Julie: You would too. Summer reading, perhaps?
You know what else? Beside recommending it to everyone I know on the planet, I think I enjoy photographing these beautiful books almost as much as reading them. See my proof here in my flicker photos of Twilight.
Page 19 Here I come...
then wednesday smiled.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
crayola baby.

And my Tuesday Tip of the Day.. If you have baby boys, make sure you put the penis IN the diaper or you will be washing bedding two days in a row.
Now, I am off to wash my bedding.......... again.
Thanks, Zach.
Monday, June 16, 2008
alligator alley.

morning, monday. how do you do?
I administered Medical Intervention.
I already started laundry and dishes.
I am washing all our bedding.
Both babies are up and happy.
Jason has an auditory evaluation today at one.
Hubby is ironing his ACU's.
I was not in the mood for brewing coffee.
I am having Sunny D.
Jason already hopped in and out of the tub.
He is sporting an awesome haircut by his Dad.
I WILL finish New Moon today. Book 2 of the Twilight Series.
I have book 3 ready.
5 more days till Friday.
Let's GO!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
hi, saturday.

Today's agenda, Jason just got a haircut by his Daddy, and it is awesome and saved my $15 bucks. I need to hit Walmart today and we are BBQ'in with the Coopers tonight. I need to clean up and start working on tonight's entree'. Also I am curiously awaiting to see if I will receive a "Happy Saturday" in my inbox today..
Friday, June 13, 2008
hello, home!
Lots of random things to do today. The house is clean cause I could never go on vacation and leave a dirty house. So that is good. I need to upload and edit a ton of photos, then send them to be printed. Also have a bunch of random scrappiness to work on and plan. I have a few ideas a brewin'.
Need to unpack and regroup then grocery shop. The twins appointments were canceled today cause our doctor is sick so that will need rescheduled. Grrrr!
Also have a sad heart today as my most fave scrap club Cupcake Scrapshop is closing their doors. And I missed the June kit cause we were on the road when it went on sale.. Tear.
And I am not going to get any of these things done if I don't get off the blog. Holler at you later. M