Friday, May 02, 2008

finally friday.

My foot is still sore, but the color has returned to normal. I broke it a week ago.

I got our membership mail from the Riverbanks Zoo. They are having an after hours event fro members only on the 16th and it the first thing it says is "Touch A Snake." I will take Jason. He will not touch the snake. Chances are neither will I. And in August they are having a Brew at the Zoo event. Sort of a like a wine tasting but with beer. I will be there.

We have the South Carolina state bird, a Carolina Wren whom we call Daisy, building a nest on our porch. She is lovely and working hard. I will try to catch some photos of her later.

We also have lizards on our back deck daily. We call one Elvis. Jason named him and Daisy.

Jason just delivered me a letter that has bff (best friend forever) with a large X through it. There is also a heart with an X through it and he wrote ''Wii On'' He is mad at me. He is grounded from the Wii for a day for kicking me. I will post a photo of this too.

Yesterday I took 44 photos. And for the month of April, I took 327. I have not taken any today.

Tomorrow is Jason's last soccer game, the twins will be 5 months, and it is National Scrapbook Day.

I posted a bunch of photos from Disney On Ice on flickr. Click to see them. I also posted photos of the kids. And I am working on posting more.

We have some errands to run this evening. Like groceries. Maybe Target, the bookstore? Starbucks?

1 comment:

julieann said...

If you do decide to be brave and touch a snake, just think of a nice pair of shoes;)