Saturday, May 31, 2008

stuffed saturday.

Ummmmmmmmm yeah, lots to accomplish today. Zachary was up at 5:33 am this morning. I have already done 2 loads of dishes. Got a load of laundry washed and dryin. Fed two babies, changed two babies and got two babies back down for mid morning naps. Jason is up watching morning cartoons, but has not yet requested his breakfast. I was too lazy to brew coffee and the diet cokes were not cold. I made a glass of H20. So far the packing is:

1 Large suitcase for Jason, Me and the babies.
1 Large suitcase for the Hubby
2 diaper bags
2 backpacks
1 bag of extras

Plus we are bringing the playpen, saucer, bathtub, a cooler, Jason's bike and all 3 kids. It just makes more sense to bring what we need instead of buying anything we run out of. (I.E. baby food, wipes, diapers, formula) I used to go with "there's always a walmart." Not now. Vacation will be costly enough without buying more.

Anyway my packing is almost done, just finishing up last minute laundry. I need to go to Walmart today for some road snacks, baby socks and headbands. Then I have to go to the library for books for the trip. Unfortunately it takes me like a half hour to get there, not really looking forward to that. And I am hoping for a last minute trip to the salon. Hopefully I can get in.

So my point to this long ramble, is that I don't have time to sit around at the computer. Quit bothering me.

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