Tuesday, May 13, 2008

yesterday, by the numbers.

17- bottles used
68- ounces of formula
34- scoops of formula
8- diapers
2- poopy diapers
5- outfits
4- photos taken
1- errand ran
2- loads of dishes
3- loads of laundry
3- meals
14- emails
6- phone calls
66- miles driven
4- diet cokes
22- bottles washed
22- nipples washed
22- rings washed
71- dollars spent
16- bottles put together, filled ready to go
14- Mario Kart races w/ Jason on the Wii
200- US Army PT jerseys washed and dryed

1 comment:

julieann said...

Geesh, how ever do you find time to amuse us all here on the blog?? I know that you are really Super
Woman! Now I just want to see a picture of you in cape & tights;)xoxo