Monday, May 12, 2008

family tree.

I started this. Well actually it is just the cover, not sure how I will format the inner pages. I ordered this paper especially for this family "tree" project. It is going to start with my kids and go back from there. I was not much into ancestry until I had my own children. In fact, I did a report my junior year in high school on my family history and got a D+ on it. I had done it the day it was due! It was horrible, I have to admit, and that was my lowest grade ever on any school project. In 2003 and 2004, I got the hang of it and can now trace both sides of my family way back to the early 1800's, if not farther. I have tons of documents and photos too. Another day I will post some of those photos. I will also post that book that has tons of pages in it. It is not a scrapbook, but a binder full of valuable information. My Grandparent's once asked me where I had got all that information. I just rock.

Quick Weekend Recap: A birthday party. Shopping. Mothers day lunch at Red Lobster. Mothers day shopping. Lots of bicycle riding. Lots of rain too. Lost our electricity for a few hours last night. Babies are fine and desperately need a nap. Exhaustion. The usual.

1 comment:

julieann said...

Love,love,love that paper!! Can't wait to see how this turns out.