Wow.. Time sure flies with newborns. Can you believe that they are a month old already? Wow! So a recap of the first month. First off, I don't think we are going through diapers too bad. BUT formula is soooooo expensive and we are using quite a bit of that. Plus you have to throw out the made up formula after one hour, so lots of waste there. Neither boys are really into using the swings yet. I am washing bottles like crazy! I have to wash them first thing in the morning and before bed just to get us through. They both love baths, and are good at holding up their heads. They take turns having good nights, one will sleep through the night (except for a feeding) and the other will be up all evening.. then it seems like the next night it is opposite, the other one sleeps and the other is awake. Now about each boy:
Ryan is always needing held and does NOT sleep at all well on his own. He is sooo long now that he irritates my incision with his legs and feet. He is our chunck, eating non stop. He is very alert, and is still much larger than Zach. He will nap in the swing for a short period.
Zachary is really good at falling asleep on his own and staying asleep on his own for a good time. He is still small and not the best eater. He is also very alert and will set on his own and relax. He is also good with a pacifier.
Things are really going pretty smoothly. Jacques does most of the night work, leaving me refreshed for the days. I am physically doing much better, and surprisingly can't wait to get the 6 week check up okay to exercise! I am good at having both twins at once, but it gets hard when you are tending to one, and the other needs something. I am still getting scrapping done, which makes me happy : ) and Jason is still doing pretty good, with the exception that he seems soooo loud all the time! And just in case you are wondering about Jason, he is 4 years 11 months and 2 weeks old!