Thursday, December 06, 2007

we are doing great..

The boys today.. Ryan is on the left and Zachary on the right.. They are both a little scratched up on their faces due to their finger nails. They won't keep any mittens on! This is from a power nap the three of us took this afternoon. I love having them both at once, such a sweet feelin. And our first night at home went GREAT! I woke up at 12:30 to pop in a binky and change up Zach and then they both went back to sleep until 5 am, then I woke up their Dad.. he fed them both and they were back asleep until after seven! Hope tonight is that smooth.. I am not sure how long they were out up until 12:30. Mom, Shelby and Jacques put them to sleep for me.

And Jason went back to school today as a Big Brother and got lots of special attention.. I also got his socccer photos back and will post them later as well.. Anyway about supper time here.. Mom cooked lunch and the hubby is cooking supper..

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