So I saw that
Ali was talking about Life Lists today, and I LOVE LISTS in general. I have one for myself and one for Jason.. So I thought I'd share them. Some of the things are done, on going or have yet to be marked off. Some are short term and some are long term.
Here is my Things To Do List:
1. Read the bible front to back.
2. Adopt a dog.
3. Weigh 120 pounds.
4. Snow ski.
5. Visit a vineyard.
6. Buy a house.
7. Work on and LOVE my handwriting.
8. Relax on my very own porch swing.
9. Plant a tree.
10. See The Nutcracker.
11. Learn to sew.
12. Visit Mexico.
13. Meet someone famous.
14. Have all three boys in elementary school.
15. Celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary.
16. Support and encourage anything my children want to do.
17. Visit 5 new states.
18. Take a crochet or knit class.
19. Visit Walt Disney World.
20. Take my photography semi-pro.
21. Own a great bookcase.
22. Enjoy the “Deep South."
23. Compliment the Hubby more.
24. Create something everyday.
25. Say I love you everyday.
26. Journal.
27. Buy a Polaroid camera.
28. Put money in savings every month.
29. Have nice calves.
30. Scuba dive.
31. Stay away from sharks.
32. Join the PTA.
33. Be grateful.
34. Run/Walk in another charity event.
35. Attend church more regularly.
36. Learn a new instrument.
37. Back up photos on a CD Rom.
38. Buy an old typewriter, that works.
39. Volunteer.
40. Attend a costume party.
41. Go to a scrapbook retreat.
42. Encourage Jason’s creativeness.
43. Get published in a magazine.
44. See the Statue of Liberty.
45. See Vegas.
46. Tour the Smithsonian.
47. Go to another continent.
48. Let go of resentment.
49. Have these babies.
50. See Canada.
51. Go Green.
52. Smooch More.
53. Go canoeing.
54. Be able to visit Grandma daily.
55. Baptize the twins.
56. Cook more.
57. Take Jason to a pottery class.
58. Enroll Jason in tee-ball.
59. Donate hair to Locks of Love.
60. Grow hair back out.
61. See an animal in the wild.
62. Prepare a Will.
63. Have my own studio.
64. Say a prayer for health.
65. Work a charity event.
66. Visit the Grand Canyon.
67. Whiten my teeth.
68. See a pro sport event.
69. Take up yoga.
70. Go away ALONE with hubby.
71. Meet Ali Edwards.
72. Go to the SC State Fair.
73. See a Live show.
74. Be a design team member.
75. Organize.
76. Set up the spare bed room.
77. Do a newborn photo shoot.
78. Do a family photo shoot.
79. See old friends.
80. Worry less.
81. Seriously purge closet, including shoes.
82. Do something BIG.
83. Get a list journal.
84. Work on 100 Books List.
85. Work on Jason’s 100 To Do List.
86. Volunteer at a shelter on Thanksgiving Day.
87. Decide on a profession.
88. See George Strait in 2008.
89. Always cut the crust off all Jason’s PB sandwiches.
90. Finish this list and start a new one..
And here is my 100 list of things to do with Jason. Some are done, on going or have yet to be attempted.. This should keep him busy for a while!
1. Visit the Ocean.
2. Make a sand castle.
3. Walt Disney World.
4. Go Camping.
5. Bake cakes and treats together.
6. Go on a picnic.
7. Visit an apple orchard.
8. Fly a Kite.
9. Go Sledding.
10. Build a birdhouse.
11. Hand our birdhouse.
12. Go to an outdoor concert.
13. Go to the park, frequently.
14. Go to an aquarium.
15. Go to a baseball game.
16. Go to a football game.
17. Go to a basketball game.
18. Play mini golf.
19. Play on a soccer team.
20. Feed ducks at a pond.
21. Visit a pumpkin patch every year.
22. Visit the library.
23. Go for A Day Out With Thomas.
24. See Sesame Street Live.
25. Go to a Live show.
26. Go to a Lollipop concert.
27. Meet Santa at the Mall.
28. Visit the Easter Bunny at the Mall.
29. Go to a haunted house.
30. Go to the Omaha Zoo and get a membership.
31. Visit the Lincoln’s Children’s Museum.
32. Go to the Omaha Children’s Museum.
33. Visit Pioneer Village.
34. Mall of America.
35. Ride a roller coaster.
36. Go to the Fair.
37. Have a puppet show.
38. Make a pottery piece together.
39. Go to the circus.
40. Visit a cemetery.
41. Go to a natural history museum.
42. Start preschool.
43. Learn to ride a bike.
44. Visit a Zoo in Colorado.
45. Make Smores.
46. Go to a Disney on Ice show.
47. Have a visit from the tooth fairy.
48. Buy him a fish.
49. Pray together more.
50. Attend Kindermusik classes.
51. Go on an airplane ride.
52. Visit USS Yorktown.
53. Learn to play an instrument.
54. Go to a hockey game.
55. Try to ice skate.
56. Join the Cub Scouts.
57. Go to Elementary school.
58. Go to a Monster Truck show.
59. Visit the Edventure Children’s museum.
60. Visit the South Carolina State Museum.
61. Travel.
62. Do a Build a Bear together.
63. Try to snow ski.
64. Go fishing as a family.
65. Go to Chuck E. Cheese’s.
66. Finger paint.
67. Make a sock puppet.
68. Enroll in swimming lessons.
69. Stay in pajamas all day.
70. Buy him his own camera.
71. Open a savings account.
72. Go to a chocolate factory.
73. Learn all the months of the year.
74. Go to the movies. Enjoy some popcorn.
75. Drive around to see all the Christmas lights.
76. Celebrate EVERY birthday.
77. Learn to tie shoes.
78. Go to a rodeo.
79. Go to the “Field of Dreams.”
80. Visit the University of Nebraska natural history museum.
81. Visit the Houston Zoo.
82. Go to an Arboretum.
83. Visit the Science Center in Des Monies, Iowa.
84. Visit the Lincoln Children’s Zoo.
85. Ride a train.
86. Learn to roller skate.
87. Go to the Columbia Zoo.
88. Go to the Waterloo Children’s Museum.
89. Go to the center of the United States in Lebanon, Kansas.
90. See another Live show.
91. See DC.
92. See the Grand Canyon.
93. Be a Big Brother.
94. Plant a tree.
95. Go to a play place.
96. Have him keep a daily picture journal.
97. Sing Christmas Carols.
98. Be in a play.
99. Learn to be patient.
100. Give kisses everyday.
101. Finish this list. Start a new one..