Up at 4:48 am. Made 2 bottles. Rocked and fed Zachary for 15 minutes then back to bed. Ryan was squirming, popped a bottle in. All back to sleep. Jason came in at 6:20 to cuddle in my bed. Up at 6:34. Zachary to swing. Change Ryan's diaper. Ryan goes under gym to play. Cleaned up kitchen. Took out the trash. Got myself ready. Got Jason some cocoa puffs. Changed Zachary, moved to floor to play. Checked nine emails. 7:43 load up each baby. Round up 2 bottles, 2 pacifiers, 2 blankets... Load up three kids. Taking Jason to school. 24 miles later and one stop to feed Ryan, at 8:48 we are back home. Zachary still asleep in car seat. Ryan awake and under the gym. Starting laundry. Holding and feeding Ryan. Zachary woke up at 10. Fed him. He puked twice, cleaned that up. Zachary under the gym. Fed Ryan, he fell asleep. Laid him down, he instantly woke up. Picked him back up, still awake. Zach started to fuss so I rocked both. Wait, something smells.. Changed Zach's poopy diaper. Then Ryan's wet one. Rocked both. Both fell asleep. Held them about 30 minutes then tempted to lay them down. Ummm no. Both awake. Zachary to Boppy to play. Ryan in the bouncer. It's 12:18. Jacques brought Jason home from school. Made Jason a quick lunch. 12:48 what's that smell? Change Ryan's poopy diaper. Zachary started to fuss, made him a bottle. Rocked and fed Zachary. Cartoons on for Jason till 1:00. Ryan started to fuss. Fed both. Zachary in the left and Ryan in the right hand. 1:05 my soap is on. Ryan fell asleep and slept for 30 minutes. Both awake. Both fussy. Rocked both. Zachary fell asleep. Was able to lay him down and he stayed asleep for 35 minutes. Played Disney Sorry with Jason with Ryan on my lap. Exhaustion sets in and guilt because this house is a mess. Attempted to put Ryan in swing. He wasn't havein that, still on my lap. It's 2:19. Okay at 3:11 Ryan had been so cranky, I loaded them all up and we went to the park. Ryan fell asleep on the way but woke up at the park. We stayed about an hour until Zachary got fussy. We went thru Burger King for caffeine, I mean drinks. I had to stop twice to prop Zach's bottle. He finally cried himself out. He slept for about 15 minutes. Ryan fussed the rest of the way home once Zach was out. It's 4:41. Holding and feeding Ryan who is fussing and Zachary is under the gym. Held and rocked both and they fell asleep. Held them asleep on me for 45+ minutes then laid them down. Bad idea, neither stayed asleep. But I know I can't sit around holding them forever. I need to be doing household work and I guess that I always think "maybe this time will work." Nope. Ryan started to fuss. Picked him up. Then Zach. Changed two more diapers. Both crying now. Time for two more bottles. It's 6:27. Finally they both crashed out on my chest. I held them there for over an hour until their Dad got home to relieve me at 7:32 and snap this photo.. WARNING: Scary content.. This is how I spend my days, holding them both. Ryan in green and Zach in blue.

Now for all you readers that have made it this far, Wow! Thought you'd be bored or be crossed eyed by now. I left this in an extremely long run on paragraph to attempt to grasp the chaos. I also think I will print this post out, and put on in each baby's book. I am sure they will get a batch of laughs of how my days were when they were little. Hope you enjoyed my day. And don't forget,
It will start all over again tomorrow! -Hugs, Mandy