Saturday, March 08, 2008

7 random and weird things about me

It's official. I have been tagged by Marci. I must post seven random and weird things about myself then tag seven others.. So here we go.

1. I can't drink milk if Becca is watching me. It's just an issue. Don't ask.
2. I can't stand a bent spine on any of my books. And I won't buy a book with a bent spine either.
3. I have 6 tattoos. I regret all but two. Although I still want to get all the boys name in ink.
4. My sewing machine was a gift from my Dad to my Mom back in 1981. I guess that makes it an antique. It works perfectly.
5. Uncle Paul calls me "Bean" and has since I was little.
6. I love washing all my linens, but I dread putting the bed back together.
7. I drank 2.5 cups of coffee this morning. I take it black.

Tagging my seven..

1 comment:

julieann said...

I can attest to the bent book spine thing and please do not try to give her a piece of paper with bent edges;) I love you & all of your weirdness!!