Ryan: He got ill and spent time in the hospital which included his first IV, Xrays, and 3 pokes with needles. He was very brave. He was smiling, giggling and starting to coo at 8 weeks. He is super giggly now. He loves the vibrating bouncer and focuses great on the tv. He is also tracking great with his eyes and holds his head up very well. He is wearing 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing and still in Size 1 Pampers. He takes 4 ounce bottles at each feeding and now has formula that is a prescription that costs over $30 each for a small 16 ounce can. OUCH! He also got his first 3 immunizations. He weighed 11 pounds and 11 ounces six days ago. He is very close to holding his own bottle and rolling over! He is a morning person. He sleeps with us in the bed and stays asleep through the night. I give him a bottle when he fusses for a sip but he stays asleep. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.
Zachary: He was smiling and giggling too at 8 weeks. He weighed in at 10 pounds 11 ounces six days ago. He has been nicknamed "weasy or mr. weasy" cause he always sounds congested, but the doctor reassured us he is fine. He giggles at the name. He has a great sense of humor. He is wearing mostly 0-3 clothing and Size 1 Pampers. He has caught up to his brother on size and is thriving good. He loves laying under the gym. He focuses good on the tv and tracks well with his eyes. He is still on soy milk and takes 2 or 4 ounces per feeding. He takes longer to eat a bottle than Ryan. He got his first three shots too. He never got sick either. He has more hair than Ryan, but is still smaller by a pound. Although you can't tell by looking any more. He is a morning person and loves the car rides. He is really good at laying by himself. He is sleeping in the crib and waking up with Jacques 2/3 times a night for short periods. He would like to look into politics when he grows up, maybe run for president.
They are so cute Mandy!! They seem so content & cool in all of their pictures:) Happy Birthday boys!!!!
Your boys are beautiful! Sorry about the prescription formula! I should ask my Dr. if they have prescription diapers...
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