Wednesday, April 30, 2008

april thirtieth

Have you ever realized how weird the word thirtieth looks? Yeah, me either. Lots going on around here. Of course you remember the break? Here it is today.
It is getting better. I am walking normal again. Yes, the manicure helped. Although I bumped into a pillow today and thought I was going to pass out from the pain. A pillow!

Jacques has been pretty busy all week with work, staff duty, dinners, softball and coaching. So here is what I am working on when he is out of the house.

I have been working with tracing paper. I am in the middle of doing silhouettes for the boys then eventually Jacques and mine. This is Zach's practice traces. I have yet to do one that I truly LOVE and want to use. Maybe soon. This picture is a great profile, but I am debating about the chin and mouth open pose. I have yet to get a profile picture of Ryan and Jason. But I had fun last night just playing with the paper..

Zach "sort of" let me trace his little hand, but I WILL get a better one. Ryan ripped the paper every time I uncurled his fist. Jason was more than cooperative. In the second photo, you can see Jason's hand under Zach's. And in the last my hand is behind Jason's. I may make these better and do something with them. Maybe a frame? Not sure.
So I found this cup at the Goodwill for .50 cents. I splurged and bought it. Don't worry, I know what you are thinking. That this exquisite item with such a hefty price tag, may put me in the poor house. I assure you, it will not. Anyway what I am getting at is that I went to check retail, as I am sure this was somewhere between $15-30 dollars, over at When I get there I see some neat stuff, but no mug. But the reason I am rambling on here is, did you know you can buy the same stuff seen on your favorite soaps? No Joke! All sorts of things from the show. You can even shop by character. What kind of goodies can you get? How about a sink faucet, a sofa, jewelry, a fireplace set, artificial flowers, undies, a paring knife.. you name it! There were 250 Pages of stuff just from All My Children. That is over 625 items.

Okay, this was a long one. But now I have to tend to my little chittlens. But for even more you can head over to flickr for a bunch more photos from the last couple of days. Hugs, M

1 comment:

julieann said...

I can always count on you for the best use-less, but fun, info;) My one question is what did you buy from Pine Valley Mrs. Dake??????