Monday, April 28, 2008

things i desperately need and or want

more space
a closet organization system
more kitchen drawers
a larger desk
a shoe rack
a purse/tote rack
a basement
a garage
a laundry hamper system for each member of the family
bathroom pull out drawers or medicine cabinets
multiple bookshelves
a matching bedroom set
a better scrap space
a never ending supply of clorox wipes

Okay I am done whining now. Our house is a small 3 bedroom with no garage or basement for storage and we have a lot of crap. We rent because we see no need to buy then get orders for a PCS and strapped with a house we can't sell for months. And it's not a good idea to invest in a nice set of bookshelves or a shoe rack because (and this may come as a total shock) but movers that are hired don't always "handle with care" and every time we move, something is broken. Last time it was our wash machine which they estimated at $350. You can not replace a wash machine for $350 just so you know. The time before it was an antique cedar chest I purchased in Nebraska at an antique shop. There was a nice 2 foot gash in the lid. So there, I don't want to buy nice things until we are done moving and settled somewhere. But I still want them. Now while I do really need a medicine cabinet that is above the sink to lock up hazardous materials from 2 sweet baby boys that will soon be crawling, I really just want a matching bedroom set and a better scrap space. -Out.


Kimmie said...

Mandy your too funny. Miss ya girl. I havent been around CK in a long time, got a new gig and love it! The boys are getting big! Hows Jason doing in school?

julieann said...

I did not see "Hanging out with Julie" on the list, but I am sure it was an oversite;)