Tuesday, April 22, 2008

my 8 great accomplishments

From Marci Lambert at Make Art Everyday "Lately I've been thinking about things I've done that make me proud of myself. Big things, little things. I randomly came up with enough things that I thought I could make a list. And maybe you could come up with your own list. It's so easy to put ourselves down and see all our flaws. But I think it's worthwhile to celebrate the good in ourselves."

So here is my great list, not the necessarily the greatest. And in no particular order:

* Carrying the twins full term and giving birth to two healthy babies, at once : )
* One word: Jason.
* Celebrating almost 7 years of marriage
* Being a stay at home mom raising 3 boys!
* Jason's vocabulary.
* Having practically NO DEBT, but the car notes.
* Having a hobby that I am good at and proud of and knowing that I can make money doing what I love while, and
*Preserving family history for my children, grand children, and great grand children.

What's your list? Hugs, M

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