Thursday, July 16, 2009

Confusion and delay.

I have 50 photos to edit and even more to post. Plus I have a photo order of 90+ photos that have needed picked up at Walgreens since Sunday.

We have library books due today, plus speech and karate.

I have bought my first Kindle book this morning and am now 5 chapters in. The book was $4 less than the published paperback version. It is a one click buy and was on the Kindle within seconds. Plus I have found out that I can read it, one handed, while holding a baby. I can not read a book, one handed at all or even while holding a baby.

Ian took a book recommendation, The Loch, read and like it in one day. Go Ian!

Tomorrow we are celebrating Jason's half birthday at Chuck E Cheese.

This weekend, I will take Jordyn to see HP6 in theaters.

This weekend is the library book sale. I have a coupon for 3 free books.

This weekend, my best friend will meet her future hubby.

On Tuesday, Coraline comes out on DVD. I am excited. Both Jordyn and I have read the book and are looking forward to the movie.

The Dr. gave Ryan the "something viral." Of course his fever was down when we were there, but as soon as we were home he was in 103 again. Ugh. He was sleepy and grouchy the rest of the day, but went down easily for bedtime and stayed there through out the night.

Today Zachary is running a low fever. Round Two. Ding Ding.

When my Kindle arrived, I opened the package and Jason said, "Jordyn, it doesn't look evil." He was so serious and matter of factly CUTE.

Later I said to Jordyn, "I have to charge the Kindle for less than 3 hours." She replied, "You never have to charge a book." Ouuch! Score. Good one, Kid.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

shes one smart SS about the kiddos. Hopefully they get to feeling better soon!

