Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello, Cute.

Two fun mini books to fill up with Fall and Love. The hubby writes me all sorts of lovey-dovey notes so I made a mini of envelopes to tuck each prized piece of paper in. Hugs, M

Friday, October 30, 2009

Celebrate Halloween.

This is the first year that Jason has participated in removing the pumpkin guts. Zachary loved the process and was a little unwilling to share, wanted all the utensils to himself. In most of the photos, he is angry that he is not in the pumpkin, elbow deep. Ryan did not want any part of the pumpkin gooo, but enjoyed having it around to kick as a ball. Blurry, out of focus, photos tomorrow of the finished carved pumpkin.

Twins in a Tree.

Took these over the weekend. Absolutely love them... even the booger picker. There are a handful more on flickr. I love the second one because there is an almost genuine smile from Zachary.

And just as a reminder: I do not like Zachary more than Ryan. I like them both the same. Zachary just loves the camera and Ryan wants nothing to do with it. That is why there are more photos of Zachary lately.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Turkey Time.. Gobble, Gobble.

This year at the Dake house, we are combining the two holidays together.. Turkey's for Halloween. These are my two plump turkeys: Ryan and Zachary. I got the costumes half off of $24.99 so a little more than $12 bucks each, not a bad deal. They are super warm, which is good for cool fall nights here in SC. When we were at Boo at the Zoo and the two would run off, I would yell, "Fast Food" or "Runaway Turkey." Then, full of humor, when they were in the stroller I would say, "Meals on Wheels." I know, I am a riot. I also told the hubby not to "play with the food." Ha! I am also posting about 68 other photos of these two turkeys and a big brother up on flickr in this set Halloween 'o9 so click here to see them all including our night from Boo At The Zoo.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kitchen Corners.

Now that I actually like my kitchen, I am working on putting things up around it. I have a few more goodies to hang up, but need a man with a stud finder and a hammer to accomplish such tasks. Hey, I don't want to break any nails.

I love a HUGE purse, this is the best quote ever..

"I should've known that something wasn't right the second you walked into my life carrying that big bag of crazy. Cause any woman with a purse that big is bound to have something in it I don't wanna know about."

-Jason Stackhouse Tru Blood

Eight Years..

Happy Anniversary to the Hubby in my life. He is the one who makes my days and nights, not to mention the most wonderful waffles. He makes being Daddy look like pie with a whole can of whip cream. He makes daily life interesting and full of laughs. He is the nut to my Almond Joy. He is the Edward to my Bella.. well sort of, but without fangs.

Eight years ago, we took off to elope after months of saving for a wedding.

Eight years ago, a handful of our best friends and parents joined us in eloping.

Eight years ago, I rocked a size 2 wedding dress and clear heels.

Eight years ago, we took our vows before God and our families in The Rockies of Colorado.

Eight years ago, my boss barely gave me the time off to get married. Then that same bosss made me work on my first anniversary so he could attened a wedding! No worries, I still love that boss, eight years later.

Eight years ago, I knew I would spend everyday by his side.

Eight years ago, I could not have thought it was possible to love someone so much it could hurt, but today, and everyday, I love him even more.

Eight years ago, I married my best friend. He is still my best friend, eight years later and I can't wait to celebrate 8 more great years.

I love you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Z says, "Pumpkin" and "I Wuv U"

Zachary is my little mocking bird. Yeah!

Z says, "Trick or Treat"

Z says, "TrickorTreat"
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Teaching them all about Halloween. Ryan is not really into Mom and her camera. October 24

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kitchen: Before and After.

Before: TEAL (ugh!) painted cabnites, crazy wall paper, old oven...


After: All new paint, door knobs, electrical outlet face plates.. I still need to work on a new fan or paint the old one.. and I am in no hurry to spend money to replace the dishwasher yet.. We replaced the oven in November 2008. And of course there is still ugly old linoleum, but I am not planning on spending money to fix that either... If we would live here another couple years, sure maybe, but not now. PLUS I think just the new paint gives the floor a little better life.. At least it looks much nicer.

And loving every minute of it.

Jason lost his 3rd tooth at school yesterday. Thank goodness. It was hanging by a thread and grossly wiggly. The tooth fairy brought him $5 bucks and we said we would match what she brought so he could have enough for aw $10 toy that he has been saving for. Lucky kid.

These photos are from last night. My hair is a mess, but I love the photo anyway. Jason took it. Jason had a great soccer game and it started pouring as soon as it ended. They won 4-2 and we went to McD's as a team to celebrate afterwards. I took short video clips and will post them another time too. This afternoon Jason has a party from 3-6 then we are going to Boo at the Zoo. Busy. Busy. I put the babies in their costumes yesterday and they fit like a glove. They were super cute too, but I don't need to tell you that. Photos next week. I still will post the Before and After's of the kitchen too. Happy Saturday.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Favorites.

gold purse-pumpkin spice lattes-mittens-scarves-halloween-trying babies costumes on-pumpkin carving-hot cocoa-blankets-hubby cuddles-chili-giving back-yummy eats-christmas lists-the colors-holiday decor-coffee-paper-balmex-photos-leaves on the ground-watching hubby cuss the leaves on the ground-friends-football-phone calls-holiday planning-road trips-luggage-mail-candles-diet coke-to do lists-soccer-happy saturdays-sundays.

Phone Photos.

I just added 129 cell phone photos from the last 2 years over at flickr. They are all private, so you have to sign in to see them. They are super fun and full of random and tiny tiny babies.

At Home Depot.

At Home Depot.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
October 17

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Bathroom Notes..

We did the sink, faucet, and counter top for a whopping $142.00 total. We also replaced the handles to match the fixtures and they were only a few dollars each. I need to say a huge THANKS to the Hubby and Uncle Will, who flew in from Houston to help out, both worked for 2 days just in the bathroom. They also took numerous trips to the Home Depot and Hooters. Later I will blog about the kitchen.

Before and After: The Master Bath

So here is the before.. blue carpet, broken glass mirror doors, a yucky old counter top, sink and fixtures and pink paint...

And here is the after.. It is not 100% complete yet. I want to replace both light fixtures still. But there is a new yummy faucet and sink, counter top, closet doors (we replaced those in Nov. 08) and the tile has been done for a while too. And some Coffee Swiss White Behr paint and Vola!

The mirror is by far the best piece.. We took down the old mirror and I went out and bought an open back frame from Michael's $99 plus half off, so $49 bucks. We bought a mirror cutter for $4 then cut the old mirror to fit the new frame.. It is HUGE, a 24x36 inches. Plus I can probably make 3 or 4 more frames mirrors with all the left over pieces.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have a new kitchen and bathroom. Photos later.

I bought the babies Halloween costumes yesterday at Babies R Us, half off. Photos of those once the babies wear them.

Jason, Will and Jacques went to Hooters last night. It's a guy thing.

I took Jason to soccer so the guys could finish up the kitchen.

I feel like I should buy stock in Home Depot.

Yesterday, I spent the day on Harbison, shopping and indulging in sweets and too many calories. I met up with Jamie for some bookstore and Starbucks fun. The babies did really well at the book store and it is fun to see them pick up a book and identify the characters. Then we went into Ross, never been there, totally LOVED it. Spent $21 on 3 pairs of jeans for Jason. We also stopped in Marshalls, but didn't really look around. Then we hit Hancock Fabrics, Once Upon a Child, and Babies R Us, wear not only did I get the babies costumes, but a rock star GOLD diaper bag/purse. Photos later.. We spent lunch at Chick Fil A in a totally tiny, toddler friendly, Play Place where the babies could really go up in and get lost. And finally, I made it home with two sleeping babies that I was successfully able to transfer to their designated sleeping spots, where they remained for 2 hours plus. SCORE!

Today the hubby is off and we take Will to the airport at 10. Jason is at school and the hubby and I will make it a day. Jason has karate tonight.

Another post later. Stay Tuned.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Breaking NEWS.

I just bought my tickets for premier night on November 20. Tickets were released just today in some areas. Woohoooo! This just made my day : )

Photos on Friday.