Friday, October 02, 2009

Cold coffee is still caffeine.

Today has been an amazing day, and it is only 11:08. Jacques took Jason to school which means the little ones and I can stay in pjs for a while longer. There was hot coffee and season 5 House dvds that I indulged in watching. I was able to get the babies to sleep within 20-30 minutes of each other which meant... I got to bathe! Now I am at the puter with cold coffee, but quite time.

I finished book 6 last night in the current series that I am reading. I have already started book 7 then comes 8 and 9, in that order.

I LOVE love love fall and October. It is my favorite month. I enjoy pumpkins, cool weather and all the festivities that you associate with the month. I brought down decor from the attic yesterday and that is on today's to do.

I am thinking of taking up embroidery. Like I need any more extracurricular activities. I am also thinking of buying a new set of dishes and pitching the other non matching ones. And I thinking of buying new linens.

Another reason I am loving today, is there are no commitments. In fact, there are none till Tuesday nights soccer practice. Tomorrow Jason and Jacques are going out for some man time to the USC football game. Jason has a hat, but I told him we would get him a shirt too so he can be all decked out. The kid has to match. I told the hubby to get him a foam finger at the game and Jason wants "stale popcorn" too he said. Oh and peanuts.

Ryan is a blanky baby. When he is tired, he wants a blanket or if he finds one in the laundry, he pulls it out and says, "ni ni" which in translation is night-night. When I lay him down, I throw the blanket over him and his head. Today he was carrying around two.

I also would love to hit the flea market this weekend. I am listing items to find like vintage matches holders, wire baskets and some furniture pieces.

I am in a nesting mode, however, I can assure you I am not knocked up. At least, I think I am not.

When you ask Zachary a question or if he can't find something, his head leans to one side, puts his palms up and gives a shoulder shrug. So cute. He is a monster.

I am rocking Friday and with 4 on going lists.

More later.

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