Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have a new kitchen and bathroom. Photos later.

I bought the babies Halloween costumes yesterday at Babies R Us, half off. Photos of those once the babies wear them.

Jason, Will and Jacques went to Hooters last night. It's a guy thing.

I took Jason to soccer so the guys could finish up the kitchen.

I feel like I should buy stock in Home Depot.

Yesterday, I spent the day on Harbison, shopping and indulging in sweets and too many calories. I met up with Jamie for some bookstore and Starbucks fun. The babies did really well at the book store and it is fun to see them pick up a book and identify the characters. Then we went into Ross, never been there, totally LOVED it. Spent $21 on 3 pairs of jeans for Jason. We also stopped in Marshalls, but didn't really look around. Then we hit Hancock Fabrics, Once Upon a Child, and Babies R Us, wear not only did I get the babies costumes, but a rock star GOLD diaper bag/purse. Photos later.. We spent lunch at Chick Fil A in a totally tiny, toddler friendly, Play Place where the babies could really go up in and get lost. And finally, I made it home with two sleeping babies that I was successfully able to transfer to their designated sleeping spots, where they remained for 2 hours plus. SCORE!

Today the hubby is off and we take Will to the airport at 10. Jason is at school and the hubby and I will make it a day. Jason has karate tonight.

Another post later. Stay Tuned.


Mandi said...

Oh my gosh, I want to see the bag. Right. Now. Ok, later will be fine, I suppose. I mailed you some books today, finally!! I want to see the house remodels, too. But mostly I want to see the new bag!

Becca said...

New Bathroom AND KITCHEN! Wow! I can't wait to see pictures! Send Will and Jacques my way. Do they know anything about fences? :)