Thursday, December 04, 2008

I am so exhausted there is no Title.

I am not sure where I should start, But I have an idea, the beginning. I left the house at 9:25 this morning. I got a few blocks away then turned right back around to go get the phone. The babies got a 10 minute nap on the way to the 9:45 appointment with the nutritionist for the boys'. The same 9:45 appointment where we were not seen until 10:50 and were not out of the office until 11:59. The whole time the babies were strapped into their stroller in a tiny waiting room. They were champs, but it was still no fun for any of us. At one point, I thought about raising some hell, chanting some voodoo and spilling chicken blood on the linoleum, but the only liquid I had was formula. (I make it a habit not to carry chicken blood on Thursdays or practice voodoo before noon eastern time.) At about the same time, I noticed the "No Verbal Abuse will be tolerated. MP's will be called to escort you out of the building." (Although it did not specify Voodoo, just verbal altercations.) Then it made sense too me; everyone must feel the same way which is why they needed the sign in the first place. So once we got in, the lady informed me she needed them undressed for weighing. Great! They are going to love this.. Then she says she needs to check their iron levels.. A needle prick is all each baby wants at this point, More Fun! Surprisingly neither baby made a peep or seemed to care in the least. But they both ate the band-aids off their fingers a short time later. Yum.

After all that, the babies quickly fell asleep in the van for another short 15 minute nap. I scooped up Jason from school and met Jacques for lunch. Then we rushed over to speech until 2:15. Then we picked up the hubby and we all headed to Charlotte for Ryan's 4:15 checkup. Just 2 more weeks in the helmet and he is done. His last check up is on the 17th.

Then it was right at 5:00 when we left there and traffic was a mess, so we pulled over at a Target for treats and batteries. We were there 45 minutes and got on the road. We got home around 7:50. The babies slept those 2 hours home and are now still up at 10:03. They should zonk out shortly, I hope.

Tomorrow: I take Jason to school then the babies to their one year check up which will involve a series of 3 shorts and a full lab work including blood drawings. That should be more fun. I think that Jacques will be able to come along. It's 10:44, Ryan just went down. One more to Go.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Has anyone told you that you are a Super Mom? Well You are a great mom with great kids. Just thought I would through you some good vibes.