Friday, December 12, 2008

Ryan Update.

Ryan has been running a fever on and off for about 4 or 5 days. It has hit a high of 102.3 and usually goes down quickly after a Tylenol then Motrin dose. But he had a horrible night of discomfort and fever. Then this morning, he was constipated with poo stuck in his hiney for more than 3 hours. (Sorry if too much information.) He was very sore, upset and cried non-stop for more than 2 hours. At his appointment, he was fever free but had red ears. They tested him for strep and then the doctor helped out with the poo situation. I am sure he felt instant relief. He was acting normal again shortly after. We left and both boys napped in the car for 1.5 hours, but Ryan was still acting very lethargic and warm. I picked Jason up and came home. His fever was up to 101.5 again. More Motrin and Hugs..

Hopefully he will purk up soon. I am home alone with all 3 boys until like 11 pm on Sunday night. Jacques is in Wisconsin on TDY.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry Ryan is feeling so bad *hugs*