Monday, December 29, 2008

Late Monday Night.

Well I would love to tell you that we are settled in here in the new home. I would also love to tell you that I am Superwoman. But I am not and the house is a mess. We have lived here for 15 days and were gone 9 of those days. Someday life will settle down, the kids will be in college and my house will be clean; Today is not that day and most likely tomorrow or the next will not be that day either.

But on the upside. We are all doing well. Ryan has not been running a fever since Sunday morning. Jason spent a wad of his Christmas money today on a boxed set of all 4 Indiana Jones movies. This does not excite me one bit. He had $25 to spend just at Walmart. The movies were $59. He said to his father, "You got me covered?" It was so something Jason would say. And it won his Dad's heart and he chipped in so Jason was covered.

I have a 2008 review coming just after the new year and I hope to have some new projects up as well. No, I have not ran out of glue or glitter, Don't Worry. I have a stack of photos that need some attention. I haven't done anything creative since early November.

Babies are asleep and I should be too.


Mandi said...

Hey, glad everyone's feeling better! Don't feel bad about a messy house. We have lived in ours since April and it's still barely unpacked. As for Christmas items, all unboxed and spread throughout the entire house. I plan on working on that later today, but don't check up on it!

Unknown said...

So glad the fever is gone!!!