Friday, June 05, 2009

National Doughnut Day.

And how else would we celebrate but with a box of fresh Krispy Kreme's. But since I watch what I eat, no doughnut for me. However, I figured eating one for Lewis couldn't hurt any.

Friday. Today, with nothing on our calendar. There are only 6 blank days for the entire month and 5 of them are on Thursdays. Jason's speech therapist will be on vacation, leaving us with 5 empty, unplanned days. Hooray. Those days will become our zoo days or our stay in pajamas all day and watch Oprah days.

Saturday. Me, leaving on a jet plane. With all my bags packed, I'll be ready to go.. And it should be a great couple day break. I seem slightly impatient lately with leaky spill-proof sippy cups, dog pee and Barney. I am flying out of Charlotte, NC and into Wichita at 3:30. I have plans to stay with my Grandma, visit my other Grandma, maybe a lunch with Lewis, and see the Bells.

Side note: Jason will only have 13 more speech sessions then our insurance will no longer cover any more visits. We are going down to 1 visit a week that way he will have 3 more months with Mrs. Wendy. Tricare will not authorize more after that because he is less than a year behind in his speech. Thankfully, this is no biggie. He just has a few sounds that are off, but not noticeable unless you are specifically waiting for a wrong pronunciation. Mrs. Wendy thought they were going to be done by December.

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