Thursday, June 18, 2009

Odds and ends and quirks.

I still squirt ketchup and mustard in a "W" on my burgers after a six year sentence at Wendy's.

I do not buy generic paper towels.

I have texture issues with food.

I can not grow long and pretty fingernails, but I keep my toes painted always.

Bell has been my best friend for 14 years. That's a lot.

I refuse to grow old gracefully. If it is in my power and checkbook, I will get it fixed, nipped or tucked. I lather up in Olay numerous times a day and even through out the night. SPF is my friend and so are huge floppy sun hats.

I don't bother shaving my legs. Maybe once a month. I am married. It doesn't matter.

I have obsessive compulsive behavior issues.

I would buy a Nikon just because Ashton Kutcher does a great job of promoting it. However, I am only a Canon girl.

I am currently reading 2 to 3 novels a month. I am on my 3rd for June already.

I love thrift stores, diet coke, glitter and Bruce Willis.

I will eventually go on a honeymoon with my hubby, once our kids are bigger. This October will be our 8th wedding anniversary. He blames Bell for having to put off our trip.

I am double jointed, have never broken a bone, still have my wisdom teeth, 6 tattoos, and occasionally I want my nose pierced.

I used to have my tongue pierced.

I was an honor roll student in high school.

I love Cliffhanger, Armageddon, Urban Cowboy, The Punisher and Robin Hood.I could list a thousand favorites in this section.

I am obsessed with George Strait, Edward, House MD, anything pink and toe socks. And lately, the Loch Ness monster has become something I am interested in. This would be something that I can blame Bell for ; )

I had a mole removed from my belly. It was painful. And I enjoy skinny dipping.

I saw Titanic and Twilight twice in the theater and I Sudoku.

1 comment:

Aunt Janie said...

Way to go with sunscreen and floppy hats!! I do the same but I am 30 years too late in doing so and have the damage to show from not being smart!!!

Love, Aunt Janie

PS you crack me up!!!