Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am thankful.

I am thankful to Mr. Clean and his magic little erasers that take crayon off the wall like nobodies business. I am thankful to Crayola for making the washable crayons because even though white Martha Stewart paint is not cheap, I would never squash my babies creativity just for coloring on the wall. The world is their canvas.

I am thankful for health insurance that covered 1.5 years of speech at 2 sessions a week. I am also thankful that after losing 4 front teeth, he still is speaking correctly and keeps his tongue in place.

I am thankful for excellent, stylish friends and family that are lovable and reliable, even states away. Thank you.

I am thankful for my husband and his support. I am thankful for his love and affection, cooking abilities, and bedroom skills. I love you, Hubby and here is too our 9th Thanksgiving together. I am thankful to have found you, and kept you on that leash.

I am thankful for the friends and family that have blessed my life, certainly to the fullest, but are not around today. I miss, love you all and we will see one another again one day.

I am thankful for for our freedom and those that are out their fighting for it right now, as they are everyday of the year, instead of home with their families for the holidays. Thank You, Friends and Soldiers.

I am thankful for Sprint and their unlimited mobile to mobile and texts so I can call my peeps and not worry about the high rates.

I am thankful for passion. My passion. I am thankful for paper and glue to express that passion. And I am thankful that it seems all of my kids have that passion for paper and a good pen.

I am thankful for new travels and books that take me where some travels, or Becca, can not. I am thankful for those experiences and living life with no regrets.

I am thankful for everyday conveniences like my stellar new automated coffee pot, the hot water heater, premade cookie dough and indoor plumbing.

Today I will be thankful for those overlooked material items that are sure not a necessity, and are usually taken for granted, like purple sequin shoes and embroidery hoops.

I am thankful for the everyday important, food, house over our heads, money, job security, warm blankets, health...

I am thankful for our family's fur legged, non judgemental, foot warmer who hasn't peed on our floor since July. I am so happy that we found him and have him in our lives. Such a great dog.

BUT mostly in life, I am thankful for the 3 boys who are my life. Even with all the biting and wall colorings. I couldn't be any happier to see smiles in the morning. I am thankful to be a full time mom and thankful for the light they shine so bright everyday in my life. I love you, boys.

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