Saturday, November 07, 2009

Friday Photos and Saturday.

These photos are from Friday night's wrestling session. I love that there is not a care in the world with this dog and the kids. He loves them to death and they cuddle him to death. What I really love about the first photo is that Lincoln has a toy and it's Zachary that's chewing on a sock. I will post another batch on flickr. I have some really good ones of Lincoln alone.

Saturday- Today has been a great family day! Jason played his last soccer game which they won. Afterwards we went to McD's with some of the team so the kids could play and we could eat. By the time we got home, both babies were asleep and slept for 2.5 hours. While they were asleep, with their dad, I ran to the store and have been home ever since. For supper we had steak, corn, twice baked tatos, and garlic bread.. everyone ate well. And now it is 6:44 and we are ready for the rest of the night.

Headed to Flickr now to post more photos.

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