Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On Wednesday.

I had a check up with the dentist this morning. All is well, but I still need to get my wisdom teeth out. Not a big fan of having multiple teeth ripped out of my head at once.. at all. I was suppose to have them out in '06 but managed to avoid that too.

I have a cart at Amazon with $52 worth of Christmas goodies in it, just need to check out.

I have cold feet and two sleeping babies.

I will Thank many Veterans today.

I will drink more than 1 cup of joe and am ready for Friday.

I have a new project going on.

It has been raining for 2 days and will again tomorrow.

The hubby is off today, but running errands.

Tonight is karate plus homework and a book report to work on.

I have a book in at the library that I will pick up today. Hopefully.

More Later..

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Hey, good luck with the wisdom teeth. I had mine out in 06, and it wasn't so bad. I have five to be removed. Also, I love the embroidery. It looks really fun and simple. I might try my hand at it one of these days...