Saturday, May 31, 2008

LIVE Action!

Ryan Attempts to Crawl
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Here is Ryan on May 24th attempting his craw. Go see it better at Flickr.

stuffed saturday.

Ummmmmmmmm yeah, lots to accomplish today. Zachary was up at 5:33 am this morning. I have already done 2 loads of dishes. Got a load of laundry washed and dryin. Fed two babies, changed two babies and got two babies back down for mid morning naps. Jason is up watching morning cartoons, but has not yet requested his breakfast. I was too lazy to brew coffee and the diet cokes were not cold. I made a glass of H20. So far the packing is:

1 Large suitcase for Jason, Me and the babies.
1 Large suitcase for the Hubby
2 diaper bags
2 backpacks
1 bag of extras

Plus we are bringing the playpen, saucer, bathtub, a cooler, Jason's bike and all 3 kids. It just makes more sense to bring what we need instead of buying anything we run out of. (I.E. baby food, wipes, diapers, formula) I used to go with "there's always a walmart." Not now. Vacation will be costly enough without buying more.

Anyway my packing is almost done, just finishing up last minute laundry. I need to go to Walmart today for some road snacks, baby socks and headbands. Then I have to go to the library for books for the trip. Unfortunately it takes me like a half hour to get there, not really looking forward to that. And I am hoping for a last minute trip to the salon. Hopefully I can get in.

So my point to this long ramble, is that I don't have time to sit around at the computer. Quit bothering me.

Friday, May 30, 2008

friday morning.

It's Friday.. It's payday. Time once again to dust off the checkbook and pay bills, fun. Both babies slept in until after 7 am. It was a miracle. I was up with Zachary for like 5 minutes at 5 am. I am still fighting the urge to abandon housecleaning and start scrapping. Packing is coming along very smoothly. I have most outfits ready to go, minus some dirty laundry. I have a detailed schedule of our trip, including where we will be everyday and what everyone will be wearing.. It's easier to pack if I know who wears what on this and that day.. I know, a little OCD-ish. And yes, I am still behind on photo editing and posting. And it will only get worse with a vacation getaway. But hey, HeLlO fRiDaY : )

Thursday, May 29, 2008

thirteen on thursday

1. We are having $5 footlongs for supper. My treat.
2. I am busily packing tons of clothes for vacation.
3. I am trying hard not to start any new scrap projects.
4. I am furious about this. I may write to our President about it.
5. The babies are finishing 2 jars of food at their 1 solid meal a day.
6. Ryan is even closer to crawling.
7. Zachary may have said "da da" yesterday and again today.
8. Yesterday I had Starbucks, BK and Taco Bell.
9. My self esteem hates me.
10. So does my scale.
11. I watched Cliffhanger today and thought of Bell and Mr. B.
12. I am months behind on the babies' albums.
13. Jason is just an amazing kid.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Here is Jason today rockin' out Mommy's new glasses. (This is why I can't keep a good pair.) Rockstar or Elvis? I hear this song in my head when I see these photos. Great Song. Awesome video. (You gotta stay tuned long enough for the chorus.) More on flickr.

updates and photos soon..

I have a ton of photos to post. Some as old as a couple weeks. Today was Jason's last day of school. He passed K4 and will attend K5 in the fall. Woohoo! His report card was great.. More on that later. I am busy packing and cleaning. Babies were ROUGH today. And they ate 1.75 jars of chow tonight. I also consumed a gazillion calories today including BK, Starbucks and Taco Bell. Jason and I picked up some 18 odd things at the dollar store. Sooo I need to import, edit and resize a ton of photos. No time to chat.

Monday, May 26, 2008

yesterday's day.

The hubby cooked breakfast and supper. We had Arby's for lunch. We went to the Zoo. Jason played on the Slip and Slide. I did one scrap page. Jason and Ian played some board games and Wii. Ian mowed the lawn. I did housework. Jason rode his bike. The twins looked adorable. Happy Memorial Day. Hugs, M

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

postcards o8

Made this mini to house this years postcard collection. Simple. I made add a little to the cover. Maybe not. Here is the first album: Destination Postcards. Happy Saturday.

successful yesterday.

I had a great day yesterday. The babies were good, although they produced 7 poopy diapers total. Including a blowout that went all out of the diaper and up Ryan's back. It wasn't pretty. But I got a layout of Zach done and already in the 08 album. And I added some things to the Dake Things mini and the Tdy mini. Then I made this for all our concert, museum and other tickets. Obviously it is not bound yet cause I will continue to add to it. And yes, I know I may be over doing the labels, but eventually I will run out and have to reconsider how to scrap.
Then I also started a mini part two (here is part one)for my postcard collection for 08. And I am using my very own handwriting (Hello, Julie!) for the whole album. I am working on finishing the cover now. I will post it later.. And I have a bunch more photos of the boys to post over on flickr later. Bring it on, Saturday!

Friday, May 23, 2008

speed racer.

New bike photos are up on flickr. Jason Lee May 20th : ) So Proud!


I am drinking pressed coffee this morning. My eye is yucky and I decided to add meds to the good eye to as the tube of ointment says "to prevent and treat." It couldn't hurt, right? No plans for the day. Jason is home from school. Babies are up. I need to pick up a little and wash the bottles. Ian will be back tomorrow. It's 62 here with a high of 86. Nice. Friday.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

3o on thursday

1. My eye is yucky. See post below.
2. I had Wendy's for lunch.
3. Zachary took an amazing nap this afternoon.
4. I watched this video.
5. I just ordered 134 photos from Walgreens.
6. I am keeping Jason home tomorrow.
7. Ian is here, but in North Carolina till Saturday.
8. Jason spent the day drawing.
9. Now it is Ryan's turn to nap.
10. My haircut is still bothering me.
11. I heard from the Head Office of the haircut place.
12. Hubby is at Walmart.
13. Supper, hmmmm?
14. Posted some photos on flickr.
15. I haven't scrapped in a few days.
16. Desperately want to order this, but am saving for vacation.
17. That is all Julie's fault.
18. I talked with Bell, Lewis, Mom and Grandma today.
19. Diesel is $4.49 here. Hubby drives a diesel.
20. Daisy is in her nest. I wonder if there are eggs?
21. New Lifetime movie on tonight. It's True Movie Thursday.
22. I doubt the hubby will go for this.
23. Going to Walgreens and Staples tomorrow.
24. The house is amazingly clean. Knock on wood.
25. Looking forward to the 4 day weekend.
26. Going to the Zoo on Sunday.
27. Ian, Jason and hubby are going to see Indiana Jones.
28. We have 4 Nascar tickets that will not get used.
29. Not itching an itchy eye is proving to be a hard task.
30. I am content with my family of all boys.

eye infection.

I woke up this morning with a swollen cheek and eyelid. I visited the doc. It's an eyelid infection. I have ointment to put in my eyelid pouch. No contacts or make-up (like I have time to apply make-up) until it is resolved. So add the glasses to my horrible haircut and I am Geek.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

soon on the move.

Both babies have mastered getting from one end of the living room to the other via scrunching up their legs, grabbing a handful of blanket and inching forward. But today Ryan was up on all fours most of the day. I seriously thought he was going to take off. But he would fall forward most of the time. Soon he will be on the move.

Monday, May 19, 2008

think happy (hot) thoughts.

Okay so instead of whining about my hair (Thank you for all your lovely comments!) I am going to have some happy! So first follow this link for some Handsome Brady photos.. It is a flash with a few photos, please stick around for them all. He is a hottie and you can request a FREE sample of Stetson Cologne for your man. OMG, and you can make the photos into your desktop wallpaper! Please note: Brady is NOT included with your sample..
And what could make a bad hair day better? HELLO, the New Kids On the Block getting back together! Woohoo! I am soooo getting tickets to this event of a lifetime. My hubby says it will be a bunch of old women at the concert thinking we are young in the 90's again. He is probably right. Unfortunately the closest they are getting to me is Atlanta. So BELL (yeah, I know you are sweatin this reunion too.) I am thinking that we could possibly hook up for the November 11th concert in KC. Let me know what you think about this. You, me, Walhberg and some booze on the side.

i know. don't laugh.

Welp here it is. Hideous, I know. My husband told me this morning that I look Amish. And I have to agree. He's right. But I decided to add not only ball caps to my wardrobe, but headbands too. Maybe I can rock a bandanna too, hmmm? We will see. I did receive an email from the company franchise with their sincere apologies. They will be contacting the salon as well with my feedback as well.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

horrible haircut.

This is me. I am upset. I just had the worst haircut of my life. I cried (insanely) the whole way home. It is horrible and unfixable. I will be sporting the ball cap for a few weeks. I took Jason in for a haircut, who by the way is a very handsome kid with a cool new do. I went in for a trim and the lady just kept cutting and cutting. It took forever. My hair was in my face and she was in front of me, so I could not see the mirror. When she finally stepped out of the way, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. She even said to me that once it dried it would be better. Hello! Are you kidding? So she gave me bangs. Bangs that are like less than 2" long. I look like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber, No joke. Don't laugh. I don't know what I am going to do.

sunday morning.

Coffee. Emails. Laundry. Three kids up. Caffeine needed. Love my Cutterbees. Layout in progress. No plans today. We will get out of the house though, and me out of my pajamas. Cup from hubby.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

yo ho, yo ho! a pirates life for me.

Today I stayed in my pajamas all day, did housework, scrapped 1 page, started another and I watched all 3 of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Aye!

today i have heard from Jason.

"Mom you are distracting me."

"Mom you are disturbing me."

"I enjoy this."

"I am actually approaching the finish line."

"Stop repeating everything I say."

"Mom you are bothering me."

"Mom you are annoying me."

"Mom you are my best friend."

"I love you."

Friday, May 16, 2008

twenty-five on friday.

1. Inspired by Julie.
2. Watching Transformers. Again.
3. I am collecting beer bottle caps for one of these.
4. I need to grocery shop.
5. Was up at 5 am with Zachary.
6. Ordering prints from Walgreens.
7. Made Jason waffles for breakfast.
8. I need a haircut.
9. And color.
10. Working on planning our vacation.
11. I am thinking of publishing a book.
12. The twins are almost 5.5 months.
13. Ordered three of these yesterday.
14. I want a girl puppy someday.
15. The babies smell like their Dad's cologne.
16. The movie rocked. I will watch it again.
17. Zach may have a bug bite.
18. Jason will be done at school in 54 minutes.
19. We have the AC on.
20. I need a diet coke.
21. We have no weekend plans.
22. We have company coming on Wednesday.
23. I talked to Mom, Grandma and Lewis yesterday.
24. Housework always needs done.
25. I am leaving to go get Jason. His school is 12 miles from here.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

tear drop.

This is Jason. He is playing Indiana Jones while watching it on the telly. I snapped these photos to show how he wears his hat. It is crumpled and loved. But what I didn't know when snapping these photos is that he had just finished crying. On his left eye, there is a single remaining tear drop that never rolled down his cheek. Click the photo to see if you can enlarge it. This batch is also over on flickr but the tear is not as visible on smaller photos.


More over on flickr. This is the new Exersaucer that they boys got on Saturday. Photos are from May 10th. Zachary in the first photo and Ryan in the second. Hugs, Mandy

things i am always lovin

chapstick (I have tubes everywhere.)
Cutterbees (I have 3 pairs, and one in pink.)
coupons (Maybe cause I can use my Cutterbees.)
my solider
Chris Ledoux
getting the mail
my boys
polaroids (I have yet to stock up on any film, yikes!)
Milli Vinilli
This redo of "always on my mind" give it a listen it tugs at my heart.
V.C. Andrews novels (Although she died in 1986 and since then a ghost writer has written over 65 novels in her name.)
Clorox Wipes
a good pen
George Strait (The King of Country.)
manual typewriters
NKOTB (I heard they were reunited and on tour. Wonder if I can get tickets?)
board games (Not monopoly though.)
Crayola Crayons (I will NOT use generic crayons, neither does Jason. Useless Info Ahead: Kids use 720 crayons by the time they are ten years of age.)
camping in Colorado
palm trees

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

yesterday, by the numbers.

17- bottles used
68- ounces of formula
34- scoops of formula
8- diapers
2- poopy diapers
5- outfits
4- photos taken
1- errand ran
2- loads of dishes
3- loads of laundry
3- meals
14- emails
6- phone calls
66- miles driven
4- diet cokes
22- bottles washed
22- nipples washed
22- rings washed
71- dollars spent
16- bottles put together, filled ready to go
14- Mario Kart races w/ Jason on the Wii
200- US Army PT jerseys washed and dryed

Monday, May 12, 2008

family tree.

I started this. Well actually it is just the cover, not sure how I will format the inner pages. I ordered this paper especially for this family "tree" project. It is going to start with my kids and go back from there. I was not much into ancestry until I had my own children. In fact, I did a report my junior year in high school on my family history and got a D+ on it. I had done it the day it was due! It was horrible, I have to admit, and that was my lowest grade ever on any school project. In 2003 and 2004, I got the hang of it and can now trace both sides of my family way back to the early 1800's, if not farther. I have tons of documents and photos too. Another day I will post some of those photos. I will also post that book that has tons of pages in it. It is not a scrapbook, but a binder full of valuable information. My Grandparent's once asked me where I had got all that information. I just rock.

Quick Weekend Recap: A birthday party. Shopping. Mothers day lunch at Red Lobster. Mothers day shopping. Lots of bicycle riding. Lots of rain too. Lost our electricity for a few hours last night. Babies are fine and desperately need a nap. Exhaustion. The usual.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women in my life.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

and here they are.

Three new Layouts and I already put them into an album. The last page pieces are from CK's April KOTM, and so Dudley of me. The other two are just random. Love them all. Hope that I am not over doing the two photos per page set up. It is just so much easier than having to scrap two pages about each baby being 5 months. But I do do individual pages too. So chill.

this morning

-I was up before 6 am with Ryan. Again.
-I am to tired to brew coffee. I grabbed a diet coke.
-I have 30 bottles to put together.
-I have already started laundry.
-Fed one baby and changed another.
-Two babies need baths.
-I need a shower.
-I would like to blow dry and straighten my hair.
-My legs are itching like crazy from mosquito bites.
-I am looking forward to shopping and a birthday party.
-Jason, Zach and Jacques are all sleeping soundly. Must be nice.
-Awaiting my weekly Happy Saturday email from Jewels.
-I have 3 new layouts to post. 3 in 2 days in awesome.
-Still itching my legs. Wonder if we have any Cortaid?

Friday, May 09, 2008


finally friday.

And I couldn't be any happier about that. I am exhausted. Both babies woke up at 4:57 this morning. I was able to feed Zachary and put him back to sleep. Unfortunately Ryan was also excited about it being Friday and did not go back to sleep. This is day no. 3 of him waking up too early. I am exhausted. The hubby had staff duty last night from 8 pm till 2 am, but still got up at 4:57 with me and the babies.

This weekend is packed full of to dos. Jason has a birthday party tomorrow to attend. We are going to try to go eat at Red Lobster this weekend with a $50 gift certificate that the hubby got for coaching Jason's soccer team. We have a ton of shopping to do. Jason needs a new backpack, and his father promised him a new big boy bike when he learned to ride. The babies need an exersaucer, a stationary walker type toy. And we are Mother's Day shopping at AC Moore and Best Buy. I need another memory card for my camera. We are going on vacation in a few weeks and my card only holds 400 photos. You may not believe it, but I can take that many photos in just a few hours. The hubby suggested I get another for the trip. Good call.

I am hoping for some serious scrapping time today. I need some coffee. Hugs, M


Here you are 1.5 years old. And today you are 9. Woohoooooo!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

art work.

Here is a picture from today by Jason. It is of him and the twins. He wrote "BFF" Best Friend Forever. He also wrote the number 2 because they are both his best friends. There is a heart with their initials also. Then there is a self portrait and the boys. Love it! He spends lots of time drawing, coloring, cutting and glueing every day. I save and date most of them.

biker boy.

Hello, Big Kid. This big kid can ride a bike without training wheels. Daddy and Jason have been working hard at it. And I have to send out props to Uncle Jeff who took the training wheels off when they were here in March. This weekend we are getting Jason a full size big kid's bike. He is super proud of himself. Hugs, M

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

super sale.

Hello Tuesday! And wooohoooooooooo! We hit a super sale today at Shoe Carnival. The above shoes retail for just my 4 pair would have been $160.00 and yours truly, ME, got them for $20 BUCKS. That's right, just $5.00 a pair. And Jason's were only $15. Still not bad for kids shoes. All women's shoes were on sale for 2 for $10 bucks. I need to go back for more. We were in a hurry to get the hubby back to work so we just browsed. When I go back, I will be on the prowl. Grrr!

tuesday morning.

Up real early with Ryan. Like 5:30 ish. Watching Snake on a Plane. Both babies awake. Jason alseep. Jacques at work. Busy day. Jason to and from school. Hoping for some scrap time and the post man to deliver more goodies. Editing and posting more photos today. Drinking coffee. Hugs, M

And I should let you know that in real life, you don't suck out the poison from a venomous snake bite. It may actually cause more damage than doing nothing at all. Just get to the hospital. Adur.

Monday, May 05, 2008

full of funny.

Me: "Jason can you please turn off the fan?"

Jason: "Yes, but you can call me Luke."

Me: "Okay Jedi Skywalker."

And later..

Me to Zachary: "You are a grouchy boy."

Jason: "HEY! You can't talk to my brother like that!"

I love this kid soooooo much. He is full of funny.

3 out of 5

Sunday, May 04, 2008

i spy animals.

Jason: "I spy an animal that lives in the Amazon. It slithers and is green with yellow poka dots."

Me: "An anaconda?"

Jason: "YES!"

Hmmmmmmmmm. With yellow poka dots. I have never heard a snake described so lovely. Poka dots. Love it.

i know you.

I love to see these little guys lovin on one another. These photos are from yesterday May 3. They were 5 months old yesterday! Yeah. Zachary in green and Ryan in blue. HUGS!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

got $400 dollars?

We do, in formula. This is our first of the month stock up. Ryan gets the Similac Alimentum for colic (the purple cans) for almost $28 per 1 pound cans. And Zachary gets Good Start Soy at approximatly $15 per can. Who'd of thought that twins would be expensive?