Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a beer and a blonde.

Rarely do we have beer in the house. When we want a beer, we have to go to the store. But on Saturday evening, we were going to BBQ and I said I thought a beer would be nice. So we got some booze. Jacques popped the lid off mine and gave it to me. And I reply, "I am going to wait for the mountains to turn blue before I drink mine." You know, like on the commercials. Then the hubby points out that I may have to wait along time for those mountains to turn blue: I am drinking Bud Light.

I love this song. It won't be like this for long. Mandi, you will too. All Moms and Dads will. Give it a listen.

Jacques and I do not have a Will drawn up. We intend on having one done soon and we talk about it daily. I thought because a ton of people read this and as an unofficial document, I am making sure you all know that we want the Allemans to have our boys. Allemans: You know this. Buy a HUGE house and just run with it. You are the best couple I know and would love our boys' as your own. Insert tear here. Also the hubby and I are talking about Hawaii in a couple years for our 10th anniversary, can you keep the kids then too? Thanks.

Open Water 2: Adrift yet another "based on true events" movie of people stranded in the ocean. It is lame, yet entertaining a few times, but the end is a "what the hell happened?" But I am here to clear up that. In the real life events, all 6 friends died. I am assuming that is how the movie ends too.

Idol tonight, Hooray. I am loving this season. Gokey, Adam, Kris. I even downloaded some of their songs for the pod. But did you know, 8 seasons in, I have still never voted.

Tons of new photos on flickr including the boys hair cuts and Easter.

This week we have karate 4 times, speech 2 times and 2 soccer games. Jacques has softball too.

I am hoping to post some new video soon too. Zachary and Ryan have new tricks. Look for some video of Lincoln and Jason too.

Saw Adam Sandler in the Zohan movie. Holy Funny!

I want to see 17 Again this weekend.


Mandi said...

I do love that song, and actually thought of linking it to my blog just the other day! Also, how do you have so much time to watch all these movies with so many boys runnin' around? I hardly have time to pee and I only have one boy!

Aunt Janie said...

I agree...how do you do everything that you do?? I just listened to the song and it was great. I also wanted to tell you I printed off many pages of your blog to send to mom. Now I just need to get them in the mail, ugh!! She is doing GREAT!! IT is just so amazing.

Love ya!