Friday, April 17, 2009

Let's make it better, eh?

After that last post, as I was doing dishes, I started thinking about all the amazingly special reasons that my life is grand. Then I thought to list a few of them. Here we go and in no order.

Having a washer machine, even if it is acting up.
Clorox wipes and bug spray.
The kids healthy and happy.
Being able to send Jason to an amazing private school.
Running water and Almond Joy's.
A new healthy puppy.
Security in my husband's job.
Health and Dental Insurance.
Food, even the unhealthy kind.
A new episode of Spongebob to enjoy with Jason at 8:00.
Extracurricular activities.
My marriage and our health.
Means to provide for our family. Security.
The Internet to connect with the world.
Friends like Lewis, Bell and Julie.
Family like the Allemans, Weis and Lees.
Superstar, Jason.
Warm, outdoor weather.
Bedtime and Books.
The library sale and soccer game tomorrow.
Electronics and pencils.
Fresh flowers and veggies.
A house of our own.
Weight Loss 25+ pounds.
Scotland in September.
My Canon and Sony.
Online Bill Pay and Shopping.
A supportive husband and an amazing set of twins.
Coupons to help keep life less expensive.
The cutest pink scissors to clip them out with.

There you have it. In less than 5 minutes, a quick simple list that made me take a deep breath and realize that today was an amazing day, even if I didn't notice it then.

Sorry Friday. We will do better next week, eh?


Aunt Janie said...

Great lists and great you are human...superhuman that is!!

Don't forget to take care of yourself!

Love Aunt Janie

Mandi said...

Oooh, I love online bill paying! Seriously, the internet made me love paying my bills...