Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Earth Day Review.

Jason and I spent Earth Day thinking of things we could do to help out and things we already do to help out Earth. I watched Oprah and took in all the ideas and made some notes. I was truly inspired by some of the ideas. Here we go..

First Jason and I started off by unplugging everything in our house before we left for 3 hours. Even though things are turned off, they still suck out some energy. We unplugged the tv, Wii, lamps, microwave, coffee pot, and even the washer and dryer. We saved some amazing energy that night. We are making a it a habit too. Now here are things we already do..

Use a water purifier.
Reusable cups and lunch packers.
Water off while brushing teeth or doing dishes.
Only wash with a full load of dishes/laundry.
Never drying dishes with dish washer.
Bathe the kids together.
Jacques and I shower together, saving water is just one benefit : )
LED nightlights, use less power.
Use natural light during the day in the house. No lamps or lights.
Power strips for the studio and TV center.
3 of 5 appliances are Energy Star.
Jason's homework we reuse daily.
All our bills are paperless.
We recycle our vehicle oils and ink cartridges.
Reuse all our Walmart sacks for many things.
We use many reusable totes/bags.
I buy all recycled notebooks for Jason and me.
Earth friendly dog supplies.

Things we plan to start doing:
Get recycle bins: Paper, Glass, Plastics and Aluminum.
Call and quit junk magazines.
Say No to too many grocery sacks.
Try to cut back/quit Ziplocs. *** Yikes!
Try safe Earth friendly cleaners. ***Yikes, Clorox is my BFF.
Meatless Mondays. We are no vegans, but we can manage that.
Water heater blanket.
Turning down the water heater 20 degrees.

There are always things to add and work on. And I am sure there are more that I could list for both categories, but this is a great starting point. Hugs and Happy Every Day Earth Day!

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