Thursday, April 30, 2009

Meet Bowser, our pet for a day.

Yesterday I was out in the yard with Lincoln, whom was barking at bricks and on the phone with Lewis. I just happened to look down and there was this tiny precious slider turtle. That would of been what the dog was really barking at. I quickly scooped him up, but not before he scared me by touching me. Ugh. Then the dog touched me and I came unglued. I am not really into amphibians that much. I thought Jason would be thrilled to see him after school and the babies too. I put him in a bowl. Then set the bowl in the sink in case he escaped from the bowl.

Then I called the Hubby whom immediately demanded that I get rid of it ASAP. He was fretting about the diseases they carry. I did a little surfin on the net. There was a scare in the 70's with salmonella. But as long as the babies are not chewing on the turtle, we should be safe. And with lots of hand washing.

But because neither of us really know how to take care of a turtle, we still decided it would be best to let him go in the pond. Jason, who understands that Bowser may be sad in captivity and without his family, has asked to keep him one more day. So tomorrow, we will let our little "pet of the day" back into the great outdoors.

The twins are in awe of the turtle. They stand by the counter, pointing and grunting till I bring the cage down to their level. They are not allowed to touch. They got to touch his shell yesterday a few time, but no more touching. Safety First. I say, "Let's go see your turtle" and they run off to see him. They are both so vocal and giddy when they get to see him. Zachary wants the lid open for a better view most of the time, but he listens when I say, "Don't Touch." I was so surprised that Jason wanted to hold him several times. He is not big on crawling things. Me either.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Oh! I love turtles! I had two pet turtles when I was growing up! From a pet store, though, not the wild. So much fun!