Monday, July 21, 2008

good day, rough night, tired morning.

That should sum up the last 24 hours for you. No coffee this morning, I went straight for the grounds. It is 7:00, so it was a late morning, but my night did not get me refreshed. I feel like a zombie. Ryan is still sleeping. I am up with Zachary and Jason. Yesterday was pretty good. The babies were happy little ones and we all got to bed early around 9:30... But I was then up 3 times at 11:56, 12:15 and 12:25. Zachary would just not go soundly back into his crib. Then the two of us were up at 1:56, 4:21 and 5:30.. I am not sure what that was all about. The night before that he was only up once after 4 for about 5 minutes.. Last night kicked my ass. Today the coffee is brewing extra strong and I may need a cold shower this morning to continue living.


Kimmie said...

{{{HUGS}}}} nap when they do! Hang in there

julieann said...

So sorry to hear about your rough night....the troops will be arriving soon and then you can rest:) Wish I was there with ya!!