Tuesday, July 01, 2008

ten on tuesday.

1. I love new months. It means I get to create a new folder for my photos on the computer. June was over run with photos. A total of 653 photos to be exact. Well, unless I took any yesterday that still need transferred from my memory card. Hmmm?

2. It feels like a Friday to me for some reason.

3. By 10:05 this morning, I was done running our errands. We went to Walmart, Bi Lo and the post office.

4. I posted a bunch of photos over on flickr. Go there, Log in and check them out. If you are a friend/family member and are NOT a registered flickr contact of mine, YOU NEED TO BE.. Or you are missing all the photos of the boys which are registered as private. Email me if you want me to add you as a contact so you can see all the photos of the kids.

5. I will be making homemade banana strawberry smoothies this afternoon.

6. I have had a better day today than yesterday.

7. Jacques witnessed a stabbing today.

8. Zachary is sleeping. Ryan is awake.

9. I am on page 245 of Eclipse. Bell, the first two copies went out priority today.

10. I plan to reading Eat, Pray, Love next.

1 comment:

julieann said...

Yum, smoothies!! Sounds like you are having a better day:)Wish I was there to hang out with you and make you laugh. Can't wait to check out the new photos!!