Wednesday, July 09, 2008


This Morning Activity Level: Highly Tired. Lots of coffee. Then More Coffee. Seriously, Zachary was up 4 times through out the night. I got up 3 of them. Then I had to have Jacques get up with him once. It was exhausting. Then he was up by 5:45 and ready to start his day. Ryan was up after 6:05. So for today.. Rest. I have a new book to start Eat, Love, Pray. And here is last nights trouble maker.
Please Be Advised- His smile is a sly decoy, don't let it fool you.
Photo: Zachary and Momma after bath time. July 8,08


Kimmie said...

Oh my that is one cute photo. SS he hasnt been sleeping!

Heather & Chaos said...

Hey he sounds like my Emily. She just flashes you that smile and you forget, sort of. LOL! =D