Saturday, July 19, 2008

why i love saturdays.

1. It means that there is a 50/50 chance that I will get to sleep in. Today was not one of those days. Maybe tomorrow.

2. It means that I get to call my Grandma first thing in the morning, most likely waking her on 1 of the 2 days that she gets to sleep in.

3. I get a weekly Happy Saturday email that I look forward to every week. Keep 'em coming.

4. It means 2 whole days of help with the babies. This is priceless.

Week Recap: Early this morning, around 4 am, the hubby got a call and one of his soldiers had been hit by a car. Last night we went to the Zoo for supper and we saw a Spongebob 3D movie. I shared an Icee with the babies. Jacques won both his softball games this week. Jason started Speech and is enjoying it.

Today: More housework for me and yard work for the hubby. I need to get diapers and baby food. I am hoping to have a T Shirt made. Three boys need baths. Not sure about lunch or supper. Pizza? The hubby has to run to the office at 11. And we need to start packing the hubby to leave for Nebraska for 2 weeks.

Twilight Update: 1. Becca has the books in her possession, and will start them soon. 2. My mother and sister have picked up a copy. 3. Julie promised to add it to her summer reading even though "vampires are not her thing." Trust me, you will love them. WE are too alike for you not too. 4. Shawna.. PICK UP YOUR COPY, or else.

1 comment:

julieann said...

Well, you can check #3 off of your list - it is done and it's really long today:) I am almost ready for Twilight...I am still trying to get past the vampire issue I have!!