Yesterday was the day we were letting Bowser, our pet turtle of the day, go free in the pond. I had found him in the backyard the previous day. We kept him in a small crate and enjoyed him being with us. After school, I loaded the babies up, Jason got Bowser and we walked over to the pond. On the walk there, Jason's voice got hoarse and I knew he was getting up set. I hugged him and said that we could keep him one more day or we could let him go and enjoy being free. I told him that he could decide. Crying, he thought that letting him go would be best.

So we walked up to the waters edge and put him right on the bank. He went into the water a little, then a little more.. After just a few moments, he swam away. We were able to see him for a while then he went under. Jason was teary again. But was okay after a few minutes. However, he was sad again later than night. I think he was tired from his day.

Luckily, at the same time, a family of geese came up to say hello. Ryan was the first to notice them. I got a bunch of great photos of the geese and you can see more on flickr.
Just click here.

Here is the new scrapbook page that I did yesterday and a little mini album that I put together for Abby, Jason's friend.

You can look for Chuck E Cheese photos too on flickr.
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