Note: Zachary is much loved by not only all of us, but by mosquito's! That poor boy is covered in Off and bites non-stop. I have asked the Pediatrician about is and she said that O+ is the mosquito's favorite blood type. How they know that, I am not sure. Maybe they took a poll?

Sunday morning was an early one too. We were dressed and out the door shortly after eight. We went to the Golden Coral for a large breakfast buffet then headed to the zoo. It was a beautiful morning and the best part about being at the zoo so early, the zoo's Starbucks is open. I enjoyed the family and a chai tea latte. Because the zoo wasn't too busy, we let the babies down to roam. It was great to see them getting a chance to explore. It was awesome to get photos with all three boys and sometimes with daddy too, all in the same photo. We all rode the carousel and Zachary refused to get off. I thought security was going to be called. Jason rode twice. We fed the goats, like always, but this time, I placed a pellet in Zachary's hand and he fed the goat too. He loved it. I am not a fan of farm animals bathing me in their saliva; he didn't mind. Yes, I had antibacterial gel. No worries.
There are more photos from Saturday's game, the zoo, and Chuck E Cheese all posted at flickr. Look for another post later today with photos from Friday. Photo of Zach and Jason is from Sunday at the zoo.
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