Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yesterday brought to you by the ER.

Yesterday was my worst mommy moment so far in all of my 6+ years, and it was Zachary who gave me the worries.

We had to make a trip to Walmart for some items after I picked up Jason from school. Ryan was grouchy so I was holding him while pushing the cart. Zachary was sitting in the basket of the cart because Ryan was in the child seat.

Instantly, Zachary had stood up in the basket and took a swan dive over the side, tumblining in a full 360 before landing on his back and head on the tile. I went to put Ryan down, who was mad so a little grandma rushed over to hold him while I rescued Zachary. He cried a few minutes and I felt no lumps or bumps. Then he wanted down to walk. I put him down to walk and he was super excited and acting like himself.

The grandma thought maybe he should see a Dr. after that. I was worried too. I called Jacques, no answer. I called Lewis and got Shannon who also agreed I should have him seen. I called the ER too and they thought he should be brought in after a fall like that.

We were there and checked in right away. The doctor gave him a good check with all his normal stats and then checked his spine, back, head, eyes. He said it was a good thing I brought him in and that it was a good sign that he was being so Zachary-ish. You know, I knew he was probably alright, but I needed some reassurance. We were in and out within an hour and a half.

We left with no lollipops.

The babies fell asleep in the van so I took Jason for some soda and fries. He was a great sport during our misadventures. I got them home and successfully got them to their designated sleeping spots where they each napped for more than an hour.

I really needed like 5 minutes of down time. Like I said this was by far a very scary mommy moment. But instead I cleaned house like a mad woman.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

That would be so scary! Jacob lept from a cart at Target once, luckily landing in an alright position. There was a guy in the same aisle as us and he gave us the nastiest look, like we were the most ignorant parents that ever walked the Earth. Apparently he doesn't have kids. Jacob was fine and everyone lived. Glad Zachary is OK. I know how scary those things can be!