Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday morning couch play.

Yesterday morning. Aug 29

Train play.

Train play.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
This was Friday. August 28, 09

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by mandydake
Sorry it is so dark. This was like at 930 at night and they were going nuts. Ryan loves this show and "Ohhhhhh" and falls and is just crazy! Jason and Zach too! Aug 09

And then there is Zachary, throwing my pillows EVERYWHERE! Trouble has a name.

Ryan at the Waterpark.

Ryan at the Waterpark.
Originally uploaded by mandydake

Water Play Video.

aug 15 09 Video 3
Originally uploaded by mandydake
I posted 5 new quick clips to flickr today. You can follow the link to see them all bigger too. This is just random play from August 15.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Things to share.

This is the note that was in Jason's agenda from his teacher. I can tell that I am going to love photographing this weekly. Then there is Zachary, eating out the peanut butter from his sandwich.

The attitude in the south has risen again.

I just got a call from the hubby and the truck was going to cost $2000 to fix, but our warranty covered all but a $100 deductible! I was sweating like crazy when he dropped the $2g's bomb.

Yesterday I go into Jason's room and all these clean clothes are thrown all over the room. Later I catch Zachary opening the dresser and throwing out clothes, over his head with both hands.

Yesterday I was in the kitchen and I hear Lincoln whining at the garage door entrance. This is not the door to go out and potty, so I am wondering why he is whining there.. I go over, the door is cracked open and Zachary is out there! So Lincoln must of sensed that something was wrong with the whole picture. Good Boy, Lincoln. I had opened the door earlier, but must of not shut it completely. Luckily, the garage door was down or Trouble would of been MIA. Yikes.

Tonight Jacques has a dine in so the kids and I are on our own.

Tomorrow we have karate and a retirement party to attend.

I am thinking of reading the Dead Until Dark series. Any feedback on it? It's the series that they are making into HBO's True Blood series.

I am also happy to announce that yesterday, Jason was elected Student Council Representative of his class. He won with 15 votes. There are only 17 kids in his class. Hello, Mr. Popular. He gave a speech to his class mates about why he should be elected. Ohh to be a fly on the wall.

More later now that I have a glass more than half full (of tequila) attitude. Hooray for Friday and Happiness. Cheerio!

9 days till we leave for Scotland

The New Darker, Shorter Do.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

and another one bites the dust..

geeze. it is 9:30 at night and i am beat. today involved contractors so will tomorrow, not to mention, writing out their check. there was a tow truck needed, with an out of pocket $95 price tag plus getting whatever is wrong fixed. it was the dodge. it's at the dealership. i was 15 minutes late to the salon, but the red wine i indulged in while there helped with the GAD. jacques was going to be 45 minutes late getting jason picked up from school, so i called and arranged for him to go to after school care, but worried until jacques picked him up cause i figured he thought abandonment, but he wants to go everyday! so no worry there. maybe every now and then, he can go. BUT there is great grade school news and hair photos, stay tuned. i need a beer and a horse sedative.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

and it has been one of those days..

and it still must go on. zachary cried almost all day about his toe then about the band aid on his. he wanted held and carried a lot. ryan wasn't much better in the attitude department. ugh. then we had speech. i finally gave up and put ryan down and rocked zach. they both are out. now we are doing homework and we still have karate. plus i need groceries and i still have a ton of laundry and housework to accomplish because the contractor will be here around 8 tomorrow. so i will have no time to do anything then. i have a headache and could go for some booze. i think we will eat at ryan's tonight cause i have a coupon and that will free up all the time that i usually have to slave over a hot stove. kidding. i never really slave over a hot stove. wipeout is on tonight and i am hoping to get a shower in too somewhere. i may need to pencil that in next week. i really need to have my wisdom teeth pulled.


My goal for the next few weeks is to prevent illness. With school back in, I am sure Jason will be bringing home the bugs. I have to keep them healthy. I would hate to leave sick little guys.

11 days till we leave for Scotland

This week I watched House Bunny, Gospel Hill and Tyler Perry's Why Did I get Married. They were both good movies. Didn't care much for House Bunny.

We have a contractor coming in to finish up the master bath.

Since Jason came home from school, I have already added 2 more things to our calendar.

Tomorrow is my cut and color.

When Zachary eats a PB sandwich, he pulls it apart and eats the PB out with his fingers.

If I had better posture, my boobs would be bigger.

I need to a new planner for the year. I use our dry erase calendar, but hate that I have nothing in pencil to look back on and say, "Oh yeah, we went to the zoo here and here and here." I will pick up a simple one at Walmart tonight and groceries.

Today: Speech and Karate and Homework.

I will go clothing shopping on Sunday for shirts and jeans.

I love this apron. It is on my XMAS list.

I posted a bunch of new photos to flickr.

Zachary has a hurt toe. Ryan threw a screwdriver and it sliced Zach's foot. He cried to sleep while I rocked him. Poor Guy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday is for Time Traveling.

If you ever need to read the book before the movie, THIS IS THAT BOOK! I read the whole thing, all 518 pages, in two quick days. I could barely put it down. On Sunday, I saw the movie. It was really good, but I got sooooooooo much more out of it, because I had read the book. I knew back ground, and underlying stories that the movie did not mention. This book is now on my favorites list and the movie too. My chest felt like I had an elephant sitting on it through the entire show. My heart felt heavy. The should of had a bottle of Lexapro available at the snack counter. They didn't so I just had a cherry coke. SO PLEASE: Read the book first.

Zach says Jason.

Zach says jason
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Jason was playing with the camera and Zach, you can barely hear him, but you can see what he says. August 09

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jason's Agenda.

The Agenda Book. Day One. First Grade. WOW! Talk about a load of work. Jason had a great first day, but did not give me much.. So for the first day of school's homework, he had a two page math sheet, 20 spelling words to write, and had to draw pictures for the long Oo sound. He is also required to do two book reports a month: one written and one oral. This could be a busy, interesting year. Here's to a new start!


If you would like to speak with me in the month of September, please try the 10, 13 and 17 for best results. This is what next month looks like for the Dakes. And for two weeks of that, this momma, will me Missing in Action. Poor Poppa Bear. I will try to clean up those weeks for sanity sake. However, nobody cleans up my weeks. I just roll with it. All eight days.. Wait, Seven??

I already told Jacques we will give it one month, but this can not, most likely, go on. I have heard horror stories about the amount of homework that comes home nightly for first graders. I have heard that they have 45-60 minutes of work per night. If that is the case, I am not sure what will go. Soccer is only for about a month and a half with one 45 minute practice and a Saturday game. I am thinking karate may have to get cut. However, he loves karate and I am scared if we have to quit for a while, we may not pick it back up until he is older and if he really wants to pursue it. It is a great life skill and so are the values, but 4 times a week on top of everything else maybe a little much. Plus we still have speech once a week for another 3 months or so. Some days I even had to pick only the most imporant thing out of two, to do. Ugh. Can you just imagine when all three boys are grown and busy.
Below are some drawings, not tracings, but drawings by Jason. Is this kid not skilled? I am thinking he needs an art class. (Hey why not, not like we are busy doing anything else?)He is six and drawing like Van Gogh. He spends 90% of his free time with a pen and paper. He also did another picture that I posted on flickr and it is called Indiana Jason and The Search for Nessie. Nice huh, Bell? I will start to add more of his work to flickr again.

The First Day of First Grade.

Today was Jason's first day of school and he was ready to go weeks ago. I was up early, by six and before all the kids. I started the coffee and made Jason's lunch. I added a love note secretly in with his pb sandwich. I can't wait to hear about his new adventure when he gets home. More photos up on flickr.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let them eat supper.

On Friday evening, I was cleaning up supper. Ryan was still eating, but Zachary was done. Slinging food means that you are done in this Momma's house. So I turn around and Zachary is up on the table, helping himself to Ryan's fork and food! But, then he started to help Ryan. Look at them both with their mouths open in the bottom photo. Poor Ryan is just strugglin to reach that fork.

August 22: Waterpark Play

Yesterday the RRS school (Jacques' work) held a family day at the waterpark for our families. It was our first trip to the waterpark all year. It went well. All my waterbugs loved it. I think we could of done this more, with Daddy's participation. They provided us lunch, beverages and snacks. We also got to play mini golf and they had a large blow up bouncy thing. It was an amazing day. I have a ton of photos to post, but the rest will all be on flickr.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bit and Pieces of Friday.

If you give Ryan a cookie, he will offer a bite to you.. or the dog. Zachary does not believe in sharing any of his food.

Two things that make me happy: Sharpies and Ziplocs.

Last night I showed Jacques a picture of a haircut that I like and may get and he says, "I prefer the shaggy look." Excuse me?!? What the hell is the shaggy look?! And just how long have I had this shaggy look?!

If I win the lotto, I am buying a Volvo.

The new season of House starts September 21 with a 2 hour premier. There is also a new season of Dog the Bounty Hunter coming in December. Dog was a Kirby salesman. I own a Kirby.

Jason was sitting, irritated at the computer today and he says, "Mom do you have dial up?"

A few nights ago, I gave Zachary a little root beer. That was a bad idea. He wanted more and more.. and more.

Zachary is really good at scribbles. I will scan and post a picture.

Ryan absolutely loves Wipeout the show. He screams when they go to commercial and through out the show he "Oh" every time someone gets knocked around. I have some video too of this.

When I make Jason chocolate milk, it is light brown at best. When Jacques makes Jason chocolate milk, it is black.

Last night we had pancakes for supper. I always ask Jacques to cut mine. Grandpa Long always cut mine up as a kid and Jacques has always cut them up as an adult for me. I just never learned to cut my own pancakes. And apparently, Jacques thinks I can't cut a banana either.

I LOVE THIS SONG.. Bell and Julie, I am sure you will too! It starts at about 40 seconds into the clip. Barking at the Moon By:Jenny Lewis

I am 130 pages into TTW and hope to finish it before the end of the weekend so I can see the movie.

Thursday August 20: Photos.

Every Thursday should be so good. I got my book in the mail, now I just need to read all 518 pages so I can catch the movie this weekend. I am 30 pages in and loving it. It was pouring rain around 2:30 yesterday and I say, "Jason I could really use a latte." And he replies, "I could really use a chocolate chip cookie." So I say, "Load Up!" And we were out the door, in the rain and off to Starbucks. There is nothing better than a good book, a rainy day and the front porch. I was suprised to see that our cardinal came to the front porch feeder with us there. I wish the photo was better. More photos up to flickr later. Jason did not want photographed yesterday and went inside quickly due to the heat.

The week in crafts.

Here is what I have been working on this week. I also finished two more layouts. I started a mini about our home ownership, a blank wood grain mini that still needs bound, I altered two mini notebooks with stickers from Elise. On the Motherhood layout, I printed the blog post from that day and attached it to the back. Look for another post or two later today with photos of the kiddos.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bible Soup with Jason.

Me: "Jason do you remember who ate the apple?"

Jason: "Eve and Adam."

Me: "Do you remember who told them they should?"

Jason: "That sneaky snake."

We are not winners.

The $250 million winning lotto ticket was bought here in South Carolina. It wasn't ours cause we didn't buy any. From now on, weekly I am buying some. I happen to think that an extra $250 million in the bank may be a good thing.

Today I have a contractor coming over to see our bathroom and give me an estimate on finishing it up. I am fragile. I hope it is not extremely unreasonable. I may break.

I am working on a post for Ryan and Jason too. However, the word Trouble will not be a title word in either of their posts.

It's 8:12 am and I have only had one cup of joe and have already seen Thomas, Curious George and Blues Clues. Ugh.

Yesterday I got my craft on, making one layout, two mini covers, and altered two mini notebooks. I will post those all later too. I think three may go up for sale.

My Olay Anti Aging Lotions are running low. That scares me, as does the price I pay to replace them.

18 days till Becca and I are on a jet place headed to SCTLND

I will be back later. I need more coffee.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trouble has a name: Zachary.

Jacques told me this weekend, "If there is trouble, Zachary can find it." A truer statement has never been made. I took this photo on Sunday, he was throwing a baseball back and forth with Ryan.

This post is all about Trouble, er I mean Zachary. He is something indescribable, but cute. He hams it up for the camera and you can't not smile while you are scolding him.

This morning, he says, "Bug" and is looking down his shirt. I am like, "What? A bug?" Moments later, a bug falls out from his shirt. Nice.

On Sunday, we found a HUGE rhinoceros beetle and kept him for a few moments. When we let him go, Zachary picked him up! Yuck. It is huge and scary, but the kid picks it up.

He can hold up to three mini vanilla wafers in his mug at once. This could turn into a talent. I am thinking Hot Dog eating competitions..

If there is a puddle, he will find it.. Well, all my boys will find it, but he will linger the longest.

Did I mention he growls and grunts? He also had a perfect little pout with a glare and lips and belly pushed out.

He is a hand full.

He melts my heart.

He is trouble.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Motherhood: Trial and Error.

If someone else happens to have a Mother's Handbook, that I did not receive at the hospital when I had Jason, can you please lend me your copy? Seriously. This thing we call motherhood, is trial and error. Ice cream and failure.

When Jason came bouncing into the kitchen for me to put on his karate belt, he took said belt and scrubbed the Velcro on Zach's forward. I took his belt and gave him a little scratch with it on his forehead to show how it did not feel well. He was then banned from the computer the rest of the day and had to apologize to Zachary. I thought it went well.

On the way to the van, I am hurrying the babies, one hand holding each, and Zachary bites the sidewalk with both hands, knees and head. Ouch. I gobble him up with kisses and hugs, but we have to go, so into the van we go..

We arrive at karate and all get out, excited to receive Jason's new rank. Jason, the gentleman he is, opens the door for me and the babies... But as he swings the door open, it rakes over his big toe. Ouch. Instantly a blood blister pops up. I knew tears were nano seconds behind. BUT Mr. Newton, God Bless Him, was able to divert the disaster by presenting Jason with his new brown belt. I worried about him during the whole class. I knew that he must be hurting.

After class is over, I notice that the toe has not fallen off. However, I see that his forehead has a scratch from the belt I raked over his forehead. I instantly feel awful. I tell Jason we need to talk in the van.

Once in the van, I tell Jason that I am so proud of him for being so brave about his toe and how I know that it must of hurt a lot, but that I am glad he was able to focus on class and not fret about it. I then tell him I apologize for scratching him with the belt, because it was not nice. However, I remind him that he did that too Zachary and maybe another simple apology would be nice. Next I tell him that I am proud of how hard he worked to earn his new rank, and that I am taking him out for donuts.


Trial and Error.

Seventeen more years.

Many more tears.

Trial and Error.

Stop, collaborate, and listen.

Some days I think I may give up crafting/scrapping. I am never happy with what I am trying to create and feel like everyone else can do what I want to do but me. Do you hear that violin whining?

Jason is sitting at his "laptop" beside me and chewing on some muffin tops that smell like they were handed down from Heaven in a cute Ikea bowl, but I am dieting still so they are the devil. He is slightly annoying me with his chewing, but I think that may just be my bad mood.

Today we have karate and Jacques has a softball game. I plan on taking the kids.

I am reading a new paperback. Sixty pages in.

Both babies are napping.

We watched Indiana Jones 4 today. Twice. Already. Ugh.

I hate tomatos, but love ketchup. So do the babies. And Jason.

I need to send some photos to Walgreens. I was doing it weekly for a while.. Now I am behind. (Update: I hate it when a website redesigns itself and it effects the way your things are. Walgreens has redone its photo shop and it is really irritating.)

21 days till we leave for Scotland.

It's Monday. What can I say? Ugh.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Twins Play.

Twins Play.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Today. Zoo. August 16

Playground Play.

Playground Play.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
From Today, August 16 at the Zoo. Click to see it bigger on flickr.

Sunday August 16: At The Zoo

What a marvelous day! We were up and the hubby made sausage and biscuits then it was off to the zoo. There were a few random sprinkles, but the weather was amazingly cool. We saw a few new exhibits and some that were under construction. Today I decided to try and take some photos of new shots from the zoo. I will post more of them to flickr. Zachary found a new monkey statue to hug. He is a monkey. Ryan is "Sshhh" in the last photo because the lizard was sleeping. We all rode the carousel and were done with the zoo in a few hours. Then we made it home with two babies asleep. I also have a couple zoo videos to post and some pool ones too from last night.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just the two of us.

Jacques: "I overcooked the pork chops. What do you think?"

Me: "I don't know. How would I tell?"

Jacques: "It would be tough."

Me: "I guess. I am having a hard time cutting it."

Jacques: "You have a hard time cutting a banana."

Successful Saturday So Far.

So it's only 2:53 and Ryan has been out since 1 and Zachary is finally snoozing too. Today was totally as predicted, awesome. We went to the mall first and was surprised to see that Old Navy had closed in that mall, no biggie. We have like 5 in this town. I will do that later, maybe tomorrow. So we went to Burlington and I found a bunch of amazing jackets, but picked one, with a hood, Bell. And it is super cute, yet weather tolerable. I can't wait to try it out.

Next it was a quick jot over to have my eyeglasses adjusted. In and out. Five minutes tops! We got groceries for $91.oo which is more than I would of guessed, but I save $5 with coupons. Then we went for two new uniform tops for Jason $40 and stopped off at 5 Guys for burgers and fries.

To make my day better, Julie and Julia arrived in my mailbox today. I will start that next then see the movie too.

Besides the coat, I also picked up two more things on my SCTLND list. Pepto for my purse and gum for the trip. Eating sugar free gum instead of pigging out is a great weight control tip.

So the last thing I am thinking about it eyeglasses. Right now they are having a BOGO sale at the Px and of course, there are no taxes. The frame I want is $115 so I could get a free pair up to $115 too. It is tempting. However, I would only get lenses put in one of the frames and save the other pair for when my eyesight gets worse. That's liek $57 a pair and they are all brand name designers too. Any thoughts? My glasses are 2 prescriptions old and the frame is from 2006.

On this Saturday in August.

Started early, but will be an amazing day of family and shopping. Ryan was up before 7 and the coffee was brewin' moments after.

Breakfast was peanust butter toast and coffee.

Jason is at karate with his Dad this morning. He will get his new belt today because we missed the awards ceremony.

I got an awesome email from Julie and one each morning from Brad the last two days. I will respond to both after this post.

The plan for the day: to the Commissary for groceries on Post, Burlington Coat Factory, the PX to have my eyeglasses adjusted (Note to Self: Remember to take them with you plus we need light bulbs.) then to Old Navy for $19 adult jeans sale.

I hope to run around all morning then be home for the rest of the weekend.

Happy Saturday.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I just watched 17 Again via pay per view. Cute show. I may now have a slight crush on Zach Efron.

I need to visit Burlington Coat Factory. There are multiple coats online that I love and hope they have in store too. I want to try them on. Bell- This could be my last To Do before SCTLND other than my hair, which is scheduled for a color/cut on the 27th.

Tonight the hubby has a dinner to attend. Because I will not go, it seems every wife in the book is calling me to sit. I have 2 kids already coming over. There may be more. I could be running a daycare by the end of the evening.

I have a $1.60 fee for overdue library books. I rechecked them out online, so you would think they would drop the charges. Oh well. Had I done it the day they were due, I wouldn't of gotten charged.

I posted photos last night here. I have more that will go up on flickr too.

Ryan is sleeping. Zachary is not.

Jason is watching cartoons.

I am doing laundry and housework to be sure I am ready to run a full scale daycare. Bring on the kids!

Coffee is good.

I need to email Lewis and Bell.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday Roll On!

Wipeout's on! Hooray.. It's what we do on Wednesday.

I watched Obsessed last week. It was slow and predictable.

Jacques and I have been together 9 years and still own the same microwave I had in my first apartment. Wow. Nine years.

Zachary has super sensitive skin. We use some cloth diapers to help prevent rashes. But our total cost for diapers a month is $80.

Today I saw a clip that Kate Gosselin wears her wedding ring for her kids. She said they know it means "mommy and daddy are married." Ummmmmmmmm HELLO! You are divorcing. Duh. She really drives me nuts, however, her and I are so similar.

Milk is $2.98 a gallon. We use a gallon a day. Milk costs us $92.00 a month.

I love the rain. It rained today.

I am extremely afraid of wasps, hornets, bees and ATM fees.

I am extremely picky about my writing utensils. I only use certain pens with a specific point and ink flow. It is something I have done since junior high. In high school, it was all about the inky pens. Brett and Bell know all about this..

I am having an amazing healthy diet week and the scale is down 2 more pounds, making my total weight loss 34.1 pounds!

In the thirty minutes before the hubby gets home from work, I can accomplish a lot.

I hope there are 90210 reruns in Heaven.

I eagerly await the mail daily. Sundays are the worst.

I am really going to focus on getting the blog book together and published.

Today the hubby got an HP Mini notebook. It is cute and I am taking it to Scotland. It did not come in pink.

Tomorrow, I promise photos.

Now I am talking to the Hubby and Lewis via the web.

See you on Thursday! That's tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday is a song that sings itself.

I have $18 in my Pay Pal account.

I have no photos to share.

I have a large Diet Coke from Sonic. It's happy hour.

Jason is finally down to Speech once a week. He also got an amazing praise today from his therapist who said, "It's like something just clicked and he only missed 2 words out of 100."

Spongebob is on and Ryan is "Choo-chooing."

I have like 30 things I want to paste and glue and create.

I need to email Julie.

I predict rain here soon.

I am re-reading Twilight still on Kindle. I am also waiting for 3 new books in the mail. Two for me and one for Jason for school.

Today I talked to Mom and Shannon.

I bit my tongue really hard today. I teared up.

Zachary is still biting. Hard.

Jacques and Jason are attending a USC game October 3rd.

I love TARGET and long walks on the beach.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

We got a bigger pool.

We got a bigger pool.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Hooray! This is tonight. The boys enjoyed an evening swin and loved their new pool. Zachary yells, "Da EE" Plus I have one or two more short clips to post later. August 8, 09

Twenty Month Twins.

Zachary and Ryan are now 20 months old which is almost 2 years. Where does the time go? These are the last little Dakes and they are growing up too soon. These photos are from yesterday August 7th and the new shirts are courtesy Aunt Janie. I asked Ryan to kiss Zachary. It was sweet, but ended abruptly with fists.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Zachary, last week.

Last week we had a family movie night with some popcorn, a baby favorite. Zachary was wearing one of Jason's baby outfits of Thomas and a matching hat. He is such a ham. He was saying, "Cheese" in the first photo and look at that cheekful in the second. Ham.


I ordered two new books today.

I feel the need to make fabulous cupcakes or cookies, though I have no clue how to bake.

I want to sew on paper right now.

The kids took an amazing nap and I could not decide how to use that time, so I sat with a notebook and pen, made random doodles and to do lists for 2.5 hours while slumping on the couch, texting Bell and watching Fried Green Tomato's for the thousandth time. Now the kids are up and I am kickin my self in the ass.

Note To Self: Make better use of one's time.

Jason has been super incredible and funny today. See below. He makes me smile.

I hope to spend the weekend our weekend at home.

Things Jason has said today.

"Mom where is my refreshment?"

"Zachary is interested in this toy."

"Mom your french toast was real good, but dad's is really good."

"Thanks, Super Mom."

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Updating My Status.

Hey Facebook Lovers-

Just add my name in front of each sentence, k?

..has two sleeping babies.
..has Jason cuddled up in our bed.
..will eventually kick Jason out of our bed.
..will not be up for Housewives at 10. exhausted. happy that Jason pasted his belt test. happy tomorrow is Friday.
..ate a banana for supper with a diet coke.
..did not read again today.
..has mosquito bites.
..won an ebay item today.
..talked to her mom today. off to bed.

Thursday Things.

Zachary and Lincoln this morning. I told Lincoln "Down and Stay" because Zachary has a bowl full of cookies in his lap. I left the room, returned and surprised that he didn't move. I grabbed the camera. Good Boy. I see that Zach is pointing towards the camera. I think he wanted Lincoln to pose too. Zachary loves the camera.

I will add a bunch of photos to flickr today.

We leave for Scotland on September 6. One month.

Ryan headbutts the floor when he is angry. That's not the best idea on tile. He gets his temper from his dad. He also squeals when commercials come on and the show goes away. He is a big fan of Wipeout and the Discovery Channel.

I took Jason school clothes shopping (Thanks Aunt Janie) and purchase all his supplies as well. I had to order his dictionary online and scored it cheap. Now all he needs is his new uniforms. They are from Pre K and are going to be too small this year. Next weekend is tax free, so I will purchase those then.

Bell and Janie: Look for emails from me in your inbox later today.

I am working on a fun little paper project to chart life now.

Speech this afternoon and a karate belt test this evening. Jason is testing for his brown belt. They test every 2 months. If he passes, he should, he will be awarded his next rank on August 14 at the award ceremony.

Jordyn: I will find out if you passed the following Friday the 14th.

I have not picked up Kindle or a book since Monday.

Shannon: Thanks forr yesterday. And I hung up in a hurry as you were saying love you. Sorry. Love you too.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Originally uploaded by mandydake
This is from late this morning, right before baths and lunch. They had so much fun in this little pool, I may get them a larger one tomorrow. I went in the house to get swimsuits and what nots, by the time I got back, both boys were all dressed, with shoes in the water.. It was a muddy mess by the time they were done. Ugh. Straight to baths, then pizza. I had laid the tarp down in hopes of preventing mud. Wrong. Three Boys. Need I say more? Enjoy the footage. Hugs, M

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Busted In The Mouth.

It's all fun and games until somebody gets a busted lip. Zachary and Ryan were jumping on Jason. At some point, Ryan's head met Zachary's chin. Ouch. Instant crying. Just look at that lip.