Monday, August 17, 2009

Stop, collaborate, and listen.

Some days I think I may give up crafting/scrapping. I am never happy with what I am trying to create and feel like everyone else can do what I want to do but me. Do you hear that violin whining?

Jason is sitting at his "laptop" beside me and chewing on some muffin tops that smell like they were handed down from Heaven in a cute Ikea bowl, but I am dieting still so they are the devil. He is slightly annoying me with his chewing, but I think that may just be my bad mood.

Today we have karate and Jacques has a softball game. I plan on taking the kids.

I am reading a new paperback. Sixty pages in.

Both babies are napping.

We watched Indiana Jones 4 today. Twice. Already. Ugh.

I hate tomatos, but love ketchup. So do the babies. And Jason.

I need to send some photos to Walgreens. I was doing it weekly for a while.. Now I am behind. (Update: I hate it when a website redesigns itself and it effects the way your things are. Walgreens has redone its photo shop and it is really irritating.)

21 days till we leave for Scotland.

It's Monday. What can I say? Ugh.


Mandi said...

Aw, they updated the photo shop? Great, that's how I get all my photos, too...

Aunt Janie said...

I hate their new site and it takes forever to load photos now and I just don't like the new format, change is hard but....