Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday is a song that sings itself.

I have $18 in my Pay Pal account.

I have no photos to share.

I have a large Diet Coke from Sonic. It's happy hour.

Jason is finally down to Speech once a week. He also got an amazing praise today from his therapist who said, "It's like something just clicked and he only missed 2 words out of 100."

Spongebob is on and Ryan is "Choo-chooing."

I have like 30 things I want to paste and glue and create.

I need to email Julie.

I predict rain here soon.

I am re-reading Twilight still on Kindle. I am also waiting for 3 new books in the mail. Two for me and one for Jason for school.

Today I talked to Mom and Shannon.

I bit my tongue really hard today. I teared up.

Zachary is still biting. Hard.

Jacques and Jason are attending a USC game October 3rd.

I love TARGET and long walks on the beach.

1 comment:

julieann said...

A few questions about this post:
1. Did you have to bite your tongue or was it an accident;)
2. You should send Julie an e-mail, I bet she misses you!
3. Who doesn't LOVE Target, it is one of the happier places on earth:)