Friday, August 21, 2009

Bit and Pieces of Friday.

If you give Ryan a cookie, he will offer a bite to you.. or the dog. Zachary does not believe in sharing any of his food.

Two things that make me happy: Sharpies and Ziplocs.

Last night I showed Jacques a picture of a haircut that I like and may get and he says, "I prefer the shaggy look." Excuse me?!? What the hell is the shaggy look?! And just how long have I had this shaggy look?!

If I win the lotto, I am buying a Volvo.

The new season of House starts September 21 with a 2 hour premier. There is also a new season of Dog the Bounty Hunter coming in December. Dog was a Kirby salesman. I own a Kirby.

Jason was sitting, irritated at the computer today and he says, "Mom do you have dial up?"

A few nights ago, I gave Zachary a little root beer. That was a bad idea. He wanted more and more.. and more.

Zachary is really good at scribbles. I will scan and post a picture.

Ryan absolutely loves Wipeout the show. He screams when they go to commercial and through out the show he "Oh" every time someone gets knocked around. I have some video too of this.

When I make Jason chocolate milk, it is light brown at best. When Jacques makes Jason chocolate milk, it is black.

Last night we had pancakes for supper. I always ask Jacques to cut mine. Grandpa Long always cut mine up as a kid and Jacques has always cut them up as an adult for me. I just never learned to cut my own pancakes. And apparently, Jacques thinks I can't cut a banana either.

I LOVE THIS SONG.. Bell and Julie, I am sure you will too! It starts at about 40 seconds into the clip. Barking at the Moon By:Jenny Lewis

I am 130 pages into TTW and hope to finish it before the end of the weekend so I can see the movie.

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