Monday, August 03, 2009

August Reading.

This may surprise you, but I feel that I do not associate well with middle aged women in books. Go figure right? I can not imagine being lonely when your kids are grown and gone. I am sure in 20 years I will be able to understand that. But for now, that seems like Heaven. Yesterday I had 4 poopy diapers and 4 wet ones. I change 8 diapers in 12 hours.

Home Safe By Elizabeth Berg is my first read for August. This is the second title I have read by her. The first was Open House and it was years ago. It too was about a middle aged woman. I do not plan on reading any more from her till I am like 45.

Book Fun:
Published in 2009
Elizabeth Berg
339 pages
2nd novel by her
Two day read

There was a part where the lady fell asleep with her glasses off, and her hubby delicately removed them. Jacques does this to me too. Some times he will take my book, that I have fallen asleep with, away and I wake up swinging.

There was a reference to a Wendy's vanilla shake.. It's a FROSTY people. I would gripe that they only come in chocolate, but because this is 2009, yes, they do come in vanilla.
This book was also a library large print copy. Ugh. I wasn't sure my eyes would be able to take text the size of golf balls, but I got through it. Note to Self: Never read large print. Yikes!
Next Book Selection: A Memoir.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Oh no, Elizabeth Berg has some good good books! I'll have to go check my stash and give you the titles...